Title: Visions
Prompt: sunset
Warnings: none
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Maggie and Tabitha are MINE. Please don't take them. The dorm mates are just random names. All the idols from SM Entertainment are not mine, and none of this happened.
Summary: So, was the conversation she'd had an omen or something?
Prompt table "You didn't know we had access to the roof?" SooYoung asked in English, pushing open the door on top of the SM Entertainment building.
"No," Maggie said, not entirely sure why SooYoung had brought her up here. She certainly hadn't explained. "Is that normal?"
"Yes," SooYoung said, and turned to grin at her. "We're just in time. See?" She gestured, and Maggie's jaw dropped.
They'd come up just as the sun set, and it spread colors across the sky that Maggie hadn't seen since she'd left Colorado. A pang of homesickness hit her, and she sighed. "Wow," she said softly. "Thanks."
"Isn't it great?" SooYoung asked, just as quietly. "I don't get up here as often as I'd like, and always try to bring someone up here when I can."
"I can see why," Maggie said. Then she frowned and moved across the roof to the railing, trying to see. Something moved, just off the sun, something that looked like… No. Really, this was too much.
"Do you see anything?" she asked, pointing when SooYoung joined her on the edge.
"Just… some amazing colors. Do you?"
Maggie shook her head. "No." Not anymore; the dragon had vanished. But it probably hadn't expected to get caught in a bright yellow background; from what she'd seen before it vanished, it had been a deep blood red. Great. What were the legends about seeing a dragon?