I HAVE to get things going, because I haven't done anything at all around the house and I'm tired of it. So. Today's to do list, which won't be too bad because I totally get depressed and overwhelmed if it is.
8 min declutter: master bedroom - that was all I could manage. I will do better, though.
5 min clean: family room - I just can't do more right now.
Bills - whew, none were late....
2 hrs at library: (Turned out to be about 1.5)
- Today's prompt for the 30 day crossover challenge
- Next few prompts for
writerverse (is anyone else feeling overwhelmed by this?) - okay, only one, and that was like pulling teeth.
- Infinite Space ch. 71 - at least onto alphasmart if not completed - started it
- infinite/Tasty dragon thing (Yes, I do have dragons on the brain!)
- the "taewoon throws a fit" thing that's been running around in my head lately because the boy has had too much stress, even if he doesn't show it.
- return books/cds
Update 101 in 1001
RP with
mi_iseul if she's up for it
Post next chapter of Infinite Space - it's going to take me a year to finish it if I keep going this slow, but at least no one will complain?
Finish any writing not done this morning
- Infinite Space ch. 71 - at least onto alphasmart if not completed - started it
- infinite/Tasty dragon thing (Yes, I do have dragons on the brain!)
- the "taewoon throws a fit" thing that's been running around in my head lately because the boy has had too much stress, even if he doesn't show it.
Dinner - LEFTOVERS, we have so many right now
Maggie's doctor appointment - heh. Not today, it's thursday. I'm an idiot.
Taran Piano lessons
Elyssa Soccer practice
Maggie soccer practice
Bed by 8:30. Yes, me.
ETA: *headdesk* Not too bad? Sheesh....