Fandom & Summer (complete with recs!)

Jul 23, 2011 11:23

Hi, everyone.  How are you enjoying your summers?

Time to catch up a little )

fic, supernatural, bb, recs, non fan stuff

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Comments 23

ash48 July 23 2011, 08:31:20 UTC
Hey honey bun.

You can send some of that hot down under. Wet and miserable here. (which I kinda like actually...especially when putting another log on the fire..)

Sounds like everything is going really well. Great to hear. :)

And yay those recs. I am in the middle of Hearthstone at the moment. I'm loving it. And man.. the art... I just. *swoon*

I'll put the other one in my "BB's to read" folder... which is rapidly expanding.

Thanks sweetie and great to hear things are going so well.


ancastar July 23 2011, 08:41:22 UTC
Hey, girlie! How's it hanging? Have I mentioned that I have a lovely Aussie as a coworker? We actually have several Aussie on staff, but this one is in my department. I'm picking her brain about visiting your Australia at some point soon.

I LOVE All the Way Home. Love it. The voices Peggy Lane has for her characters are exceptional.

Molly's story is absolutely wonderful too, isn't it? It's so warm and her characters are so likeable.

It's a pleasure to have good stuff to read. :-)

Stay warm! (I can't believe I'm writing that...)


kimberlyfdr July 23 2011, 12:43:33 UTC
I don't have either style of those e-readers (yet), but I'm getting a Kindle soon and everyone I talked to said that the Amazon email conversion works great for PDFs. I'm not sure if that's just a Kindle 3 feature or not.


ancastar July 24 2011, 05:12:28 UTC
Yeah. My Kindle is old (second generation, I think). I got it two years ago this coming September. It still works pretty good, though it doesn't hold a charge the way it used to.

I bought the Nook before I left the States. It's nice, I guess. But I feel loyal to my Kindle. I love the silly thing for reading long fics. That's primarily what I use it for. I think I've only bought about eight books off of Amazon since I've owned it.


draycevixen July 23 2011, 13:29:38 UTC

Hello! *twirls you* ♥

I was just thinking yesterday that we hadn't heard from you in a while and hoping it was because you were too busy training cabana boys doing fabulous things. It sounds like that's actually what's happening AND Paris and New York too? Yep, fabulous. *g*

You realize of course that if you'd just stayed home in America you could have experience those same temperatures? Summer here has been utterly ridiculous this year.

I can sympathize on the BB front. I signed up for, and dropped out of, two of them this year. :(

My Kindle will take PDF files but I don't like how little control I then have over the document once it's on there, so I just use Calibre to convert it to MOBI and then I can scale the typeface, etc., to suit me.


(The comment has been removed)

draycevixen July 23 2011, 19:41:53 UTC

You are most welcome. *hugs you back* You can never have enough of those. *g*

Just in case you're not aware of it, if there are stories posted to AO3 that you like, ALL of the stories there are available straight off as MOBI dls which means Kindle loves them.


ancastar July 24 2011, 05:16:01 UTC
::Is dizzy:: (And not just from twirling)

Hello, lovely! I've been a miserable correspondent since coming here, which is not a good thing when nearly everyone I'm close to in my life is half a world away.

Thanks for the tip on the Kindle. What version do you have? It's weird, I went to several online forums and the general consensus seemed to be that trying to convert a PDF to mobi was a very bad idea. I wonder if maybe that was in reference to the older machines (which is what I have) as opposed to the newer ones. Regardless, it's certainly worth a try!


de_nugis July 23 2011, 13:43:08 UTC
*waves wildly*

It's good to hear from you. I am glad you are settling and enjoying the ac. Actually, I'm insanely jealous of the ac.

Thanks for the J2 recs! I'm way behind on BB reading, and what I have managed has almost all been Sam/Dean. I have a huge, unappeasable craving for Samfic at the moment.

I haven't forgotten your help_japan story; it's almost ready to send to beta. I have been the lamest of lame things on writing lately, but it's not for lack of good intentions.


ancastar July 24 2011, 05:18:41 UTC
My story, my story, my story!!!


I'm excited. Can you tell?

Do me a favor, would you, cutie? Tell me what Sam/Dean stories you've enjoyed this BB. There are a ton of them (it feels like this might be in reaction to last year's BB, when there were more J2AUs and people were complaining about the lack of Wincest), and I don't really know where to start.

I've heard the U.S. has been getting slammed with heat. We're actually having a relatively nice summer here. It started later than it did last year (or so I hear) and the humidity backed off some the last week. Regardless, we're at about the halfway point now. I know I can hang in there till fall.


de_nugis July 24 2011, 13:46:03 UTC
Well, this will be embarrassing, because it's a list of fics I've mostly read in PDF and one of my current failures as a human being is in going back and commenting on stuff. Authors, if you come across this, I will comment on your fics, I will! But here are some I enjoyed:

cherie_morte A List of Typos Made By God Set the summer before Stanford. Full of angst, beautifully characterized for both Sam and Dean.

tryfanstone The Allegeory of the Cave Post s6. Loved the NY setting (even though St John the Divine is in the wrong place) and the intensity of Sam's wanting.

vail_kagami Hitori Kakurenbo Genuinely creepy -- I read this late at night alone in the house, BAD IDEA. Also heartbreaking in its treatment of the great wall of Sam.

glovered Windfall for the Non-Believer A much more cheerful piece. Sam addict though I am, this one is really here for the excellent Dean voice and POV.

selecasharp $97 Short Light, fun pre-series read with a persistent and devoted teen Sam.

sonofabiscuit77 Treasure AU future!fic with amputee Sam. I love this Sam; he's smart!Sam, he has canon!Sam's ruthless streak ( ... )


ancastar July 24 2011, 14:19:08 UTC
This is awesome!

I've read one of those you rec'ed because Callisto rec'ed it. I didn't like it as well as you guys did. However, I did enjoy it. I've got a few already mobi'ed and ready to go, but some I hadn't even noticed, so this is a terrific resource. I'll have to check out Freac_Camp's work. That didn't even make it onto my radar.

You're the best!


peggy_lane July 23 2011, 15:40:08 UTC
D'awwwww. Thanks so much for the rec :DDDD

I was going really strong with my BB reading until things got super-busy for me a few weeks ago. I'm actually reading Hearthstone now, or I was a few days ago but real life intruded again. I love what I've read of it so far; just hoping to finish up this weekend.

Sounds like you have a lot of stuff going on. I'm in Atlanta, but the weather doesn't sound that different right now. Like you, I wouldn't get out of the A/C if it wasn't for walking the dogs (and mowing the lawn, blech).


ancastar July 24 2011, 05:28:52 UTC
Hey, I told you I liked the story. :-)

I've heard the weather back home has been awful. I moved to the Middle East at the end of May from Baltimore. Last August we had a miserable run of 100+ days, so I certainly know how intense it can be in the States. The difference is here it's everyday (since I've been here, the high has been over 100 every single day) and it's the norm.


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