Fandom & Summer (complete with recs!)

Jul 23, 2011 11:23

Hi, everyone.  How are you enjoying your summers?

Time to catch up a little )

fic, supernatural, bb, recs, non fan stuff

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de_nugis July 24 2011, 13:46:03 UTC
Well, this will be embarrassing, because it's a list of fics I've mostly read in PDF and one of my current failures as a human being is in going back and commenting on stuff. Authors, if you come across this, I will comment on your fics, I will! But here are some I enjoyed:

cherie_morte A List of Typos Made By God Set the summer before Stanford. Full of angst, beautifully characterized for both Sam and Dean.

tryfanstone The Allegeory of the Cave Post s6. Loved the NY setting (even though St John the Divine is in the wrong place) and the intensity of Sam's wanting.

vail_kagami Hitori Kakurenbo Genuinely creepy -- I read this late at night alone in the house, BAD IDEA. Also heartbreaking in its treatment of the great wall of Sam.

glovered Windfall for the Non-Believer A much more cheerful piece. Sam addict though I am, this one is really here for the excellent Dean voice and POV.

selecasharp $97 Short Light, fun pre-series read with a persistent and devoted teen Sam.

sonofabiscuit77 Treasure AU future!fic with amputee Sam. I love this Sam; he's smart!Sam, he has canon!Sam's ruthless streak combined with fundamental goodness, and his compound of indulgent fondess/insane devotion to Dean. Plus, amputee!Sam, how can you go wrong?

And, not a BB, but have you run across freac_camp? AU with really nice world-building and buckets of Sam whump followed by convincingly slow and difficult healing. It took me a long, long time to read it because kids in horrifically abusive situations are usually past my comfort level, but it's well worth it. There's a PDF of pt 1, and part 2 is a work in progress.

There are lots of BBs I haven't gotten around to yet but look forward to, too. atanih88's looks promising for more post s6 h/c: Choir of Furies


ancastar July 24 2011, 14:19:08 UTC
This is awesome!

I've read one of those you rec'ed because Callisto rec'ed it. I didn't like it as well as you guys did. However, I did enjoy it. I've got a few already mobi'ed and ready to go, but some I hadn't even noticed, so this is a terrific resource. I'll have to check out Freac_Camp's work. That didn't even make it onto my radar.

You're the best!


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