Yay! Two eps in a row I enjoyed!! \o/ Of course, this was Shirtless Chin-Up Sam week, so the ep did start with a distinct advantage.
- Jared Padalecki, you are hot like burning! Seriously. I mean...first there's the whole shirtless thing (for my money, there is no better upper body in all of show biz than this man's--I can't comment on the lower half of his body, because we never see it). But then there's also rather fetching hair, a bad boy smirk, a little well-placed sweat and a sassy "Good" when his lady of the evening tells him she had a good time. That boy makes me think things un-befitting a woman my age.
- I know I'm a wuss, but I couldn't watch any of the plague stuff. I've never been good with gore, which is kind of funny, given how many hours of SPN I've watched over the years. Sadly, my lap is not as interesting as I might have hoped. Yet I stared at it anyway.
- Something is wrong with Sam (more on that in a minute). But I did get a kick out of some of the banter and brotherly nonsense (most especially Dean racing Sam to the one officer's house). More of that, please.
- I like Cas, but I'll admit to being bored with the angel storyline. His reintroduction scene was terribly cute. I liked the guys' reaction and chuckled at Cas' overabundance of air quotes. But this whole civil war in heaven, featuring a pro-Apocalypse Raphael, is not anything I'm interested in.
- On the plus side, I found Balthazar amusing.
- RIP Sam's car. We hardly knew ye.
- Are we now going to have a series of episodes where Cas and the guys search for the rest of Moses' staff (that sounds vaguely pornographic...)? It's still out there, after all.
- So...Sam. Well, we've pretty much gotten confirmation that it's not the fault of JP's acting or even the writers being inconsistent that is making Sam very...un-Samlike. Instead, any deviations in character appear to be deliberate (which I think most people had guessed).
What's happening (and let me go on record as saying I can't wait for the Veritas episode. Do we know who is writing it?)?
Sam sees to have some compassion when it comes to Dean. I believe he genuinely feels he has acted in Dean's best interest all along, and while at first he was very pro-Lisa/Ben, now he is anti that, not for selfish reasons, but because he truly believes the time when Dean could have had that has passed.
Yet even that point of view seems to come from a place of logic as opposed to true emotion. What he feels seems to be muted somehow or lacking entirely. I wonder if there is some piece of his soul that never made it out of hell, something that quite literally keeps Sam from being whole.
I don't think typical PTSD is to blame. First off, that's the road they took with Dean, and I think the writers would want to try something different with Sam. Plus, every time Sam's actions are called into question (with the best example tonight coming when Dean questioned Sam's response to the boy being tortured), Sam seems almost puzzled that he can't feel anything, surprised. When he tells Dean, "I'm fine," I kind of think he means it. At least on the surface. But either he's buried what's hurting him so deeply, he doesn't even know it's there, or the part of him that recognizes this isn't normal isn't functioning or is gone for real.
In summary, I liked it for the brother stuff. It was good to see Cas again. But those angels can go far, far away. I'm done with that. No offense to the wing fans on my flist.