...you're jealous, aren't you? Or you soon will be when you see what the ridiculously talented Mel created for me.
Some of you may remember me nagging everyone about Sweet Charity awhile back. Well, not only did I contribute a vid, but I purchased a few items as well. One of them was a graphic to go with my uncompleted Stalag Luft X. I =do= plan
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Comments 40
I love that typical pose, with Doyle resting on Bodie's shoulder.
Just wonderful!
I wanted folks to see it as large as possible, so I was playing with size (you actually saw it a bit blurry) and source (I opened a freakin' Photobucket account).
I think I've probably got it about as good as it's going to get. Isn't it lovely? I'm so impressed by her work.
Thank you for such kind words.
And hell yeah, I AM jealous right now *glare*
Mel went above and beyond, there's no question. That's why I want everyone to make a fuss. God only knows when my story will be finished. No reason for her to languish without all kinds of lovely comments to tide her over.
And that picture only proves it. Perfect absolutely perfect. It could be a photo, it's that good.
And yes, I know you paid good money for it, but I am bloody jealous too!!! LOL
I distinctly remember writing to you and saying, "Girl, you're =killing= me" with our bid war. So thank you, thank you, thank you for that. The nice thing is everyone gets to share in her talent.
Still, as you say, I get to share too - in a way :-))) Thank YOU for sharing it with us.
Speaking of, have you had a thought yet about your icons? I'm quite happy to wait, just so long as you know I'm here when you are ready - I dont work to timelimits :-)))
I've got the first five chapters written (a total of about 147K). I figure it's probably about halfway there, so I've a ways to go. The earlier chapters are posted on my LJ, if you're curious.
You might want to hold off on the drool though. ;-)
So I'll most definitely check out the early chapters,...and I'm still gonna drool..*g*
I'm so glad. Isn't it just freaking =charming=?? I adore it.
I'll be honest with you, in all my fannish reading prior to Pros (XF, Sentinel, Stargate), I was vehemently anti-AU. I didn't think the stories ever seemed to work (with the exception of Susan Foster's GDP series in Sentinal). But for some reason, Pros AUs satisfy me. Not every one, every time. But I'm shocked by how many I consider my favs.
Didn't she do a bang-up job?! I'm so impressed.
I'll have a story for you to beta, if you have a hankering. It'll be a 12-15K PWP, that I should have ready tomorrow night. If you'd rather not, no worries. I'll not get hurt feelings. But if you feel like you want a distraction, let me know and I'll send it your way.
Hope you're feeling better, hon! I got a kick out of the hubby's baolin post.
As for doing a beta, sling it my way, but I can't guarantee I can look at it so you might want to line up someone else as well. I do definitely want to try, though. (Feeling deprived of Pros at the moment.)
P.S Hope you feel better soon. ((hugs))
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