...you're jealous, aren't you? Or you soon will be when you see what the ridiculously talented Mel created for me.
Some of you may remember me nagging everyone about Sweet Charity awhile back. Well, not only did I contribute a vid, but I purchased a few items as well. One of them was a graphic to go with my uncompleted Stalag Luft X. I =do= plan
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I've got the first five chapters written (a total of about 147K). I figure it's probably about halfway there, so I've a ways to go. The earlier chapters are posted on my LJ, if you're curious.
You might want to hold off on the drool though. ;-)
So I'll most definitely check out the early chapters,...and I'm still gonna drool..*g*
I'm so glad. Isn't it just freaking =charming=?? I adore it.
I'll be honest with you, in all my fannish reading prior to Pros (XF, Sentinel, Stargate), I was vehemently anti-AU. I didn't think the stories ever seemed to work (with the exception of Susan Foster's GDP series in Sentinal). But for some reason, Pros AUs satisfy me. Not every one, every time. But I'm shocked by how many I consider my favs.
If you're serious about checking out the story, let me know and I'll email you the Word doc. I've been tweaking as I've been writing so what's posted isn't necessarily where things currently stand.
This is presumptuous, I know. So please ignore if appropriate. :-)
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