Santa's Return III

Jul 30, 2010 22:39

The last two characters from Santa's Return were two that during the course of the fiction became associated with the "bad guy", Santa himself. In neither case, did the character as created hint that such a thing was on the cards, I just sprung it on one of them (The Internet) halfway through the game and he ran with it (as I suspected he would), and the other surprised me with the old "pull off the mask in the final battle to reveal..." which was a lot of fun!

The Internet

4chan serves me
I have no body
Nuclear arsenal
I want ALICE's body
Nemesis: John Connor

The African financial sector

Skill Pyramid:
Data Crunching | Encyclopaedic Knowledge
Persuasion | Communications | Money Laundering

A great quote: [Fervently] "I don't like porn! Porn is just in me!"

The Dark Ominous Twilight Emo Raven (DOTER)

This was one of two character sheets I didn't keep after the game and I haven't received the complete sheet from the player yet.

Nemesis: OWIE (I can't remember what this stood for exactly, but it was something sickeningly happy and light-filled.)
A rivalry with Lumberjack Girl whose plans to deforest the earth would have meant a sharp reduction in available shade.


She was basically a sort of gothy Lasombra-esque shadow manipulator

These villains faced pretty much all of their Nemeses and weaknesses (including Michael Moore in an exoskeleton with a Truth Bomb, John Connor and a Zombie-Aquaman hacking into The Internet's central core in Texas, and, of course, Santa on a rocket sleigh pulled by Rudolph the Illuminator (that is, until the Villains tricked Santa into thinking that Rudolf was a traitor. Poor Rudolf.)

It was interesting to note that without much guidance in the specifics of FATE, there was a lot of similarity between the kinds of skills people invented and the kinds of aspects they invented. In many cases, the skills were a lot more specific than skills would usually be in an RPG. For a one-off, this was fine, and although I didn't look at them much (I had enough material just from [5+1]x7 aspects!), they could have provided a lot more direction if I had used them to do so.


fate, rpgs, bod, conventions

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