
May 07, 2011 16:45

So! I am not dying any longer (probably. or at least, not dying right now, like i was wishing earlier in the week), and that is very exciting. Don't think I'm quite well enough that I should be drinking, which is exceptionally unfortunate, since I'll be leaving for a party in about 45 minutes, and I really think the point of it is to eat enough ( Read more... )

other people's awesome, nikki no baka, ♥ilu flist, socializing ftw

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Comments 5

lezzerlee May 7 2011, 22:54:01 UTC
I'm glad you aren't dying anymore! Feel even better soon!


anamuan May 8 2011, 01:50:48 UTC
Thank you! i can't wait till i'm not sleeping all the time


kitsune714 May 7 2011, 23:41:35 UTC
anamuan May 8 2011, 01:50:08 UTC
yes ma'am!


therelic May 9 2011, 01:59:45 UTC
Thank you for coming with me! It was very reassuring on so many levels.


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