old news, new hat

Jan 20, 2011 21:56

somehow, suddenly, i am killing my mint plant. Maybe I am overwatering--the dirt was a lot damper than i expected when i checked it today (unfortunately just after I'd put some more water in the bottom of the dish, which I then did my best to soak up with napkins). the basil is not any more dying than it usually is, though I think I need to repot ( Read more... )

ok giving up i want inception fic, nikki no baka, ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, gywo, my god is an awesome god, what; is this hope?, no one cares no really, teh internets = my sanity

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Comments 4

thinking_lotus January 21 2011, 03:21:52 UTC
I can't help you; I am well known for killing plants myself.

Sorry ♥


anamuan January 21 2011, 03:46:11 UTC
thanks for the sympathy. I've been expecting the basil to die for ages, like a year, ever since i brought the mint home and it got sick. the mint's hardier but honestly, it's been sick since I bought it. Aaaand I bought the rose assuming it would die but was willing to waste the 7 bucks for it XD


kamikaze_bunny January 21 2011, 19:32:24 UTC
I can never keep plants alive--I have given up on trying :( My poor basil plant, I'm so sorry!

Inception fandom has totally taken over my life now too. Not that I'm complaining but it could make me significantly less productive in other areas XD


anamuan January 22 2011, 05:55:49 UTC
supposedly basil is kind of hard? or at least, a finicky plant, that gets upset easily.

RIGHT??? i just. inception.


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