overdue - best weekend in a long while

Nov 10, 2009 17:36

not having bothered to shower thursday night, i also hadn't bothered with a sleep shirt. aaaand woke up to people washing my windows. thankfully, i was very firmly snuggled under my covers. I was, however, forced to go back to sleep rather than get up then and go shower. Oh, life is so hard sometimes ;)

weekend of awesome )

food: レストラン, food, pimpin', nikki no baka, hoya saxa, this is not my fandom (yet), america, ficcage, quotes without context, baito, wow you suck, socializing ftw, with the random, sleep, threesomes are love

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Comments 4

gingifere November 10 2009, 22:58:15 UTC
Mmm, babies.

So pleased you shared the Hotspur. I am really liking them :) Also glad you had an awesome weekend! :D


anamuan November 10 2009, 22:59:44 UTC
it pleases me to no end that you like them. i'm more invested in my little fledgling band than in mae XD


ginzarhapsody November 11 2009, 01:06:35 UTC
wait didn't i give you mae? o.O


anamuan November 11 2009, 03:50:41 UTC
you did give me one cd. :D i like it a lot, and stillesprite liked them a lot so it was good :D

(i'm looking for a song of theirs actually, do you think you could point my nose in the right direction?)


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