overdue - best weekend in a long while

Nov 10, 2009 17:36

not having bothered to shower thursday night, i also hadn't bothered with a sleep shirt. aaaand woke up to people washing my windows. thankfully, i was very firmly snuggled under my covers. I was, however, forced to go back to sleep rather than get up then and go shower. Oh, life is so hard sometimes ;)

So the weekend ended up being really full, and really busy (of fun things) despite my taking friday off from work. After a leisurely morning (read as: one i slept most of away), Tego came over and we watched some tv before heading off to meet therelic and stillesprite at Jojo's Cafe up on U St.

The food was ok (nothing stellar), the drinks were pretty good, but the service was really atrocious. The waitress came back about 3 times to confirm our orders (after she wrote them down), and still got them wrong--bringing Tego the wrong drink, and then having cheese on her burger. The only thing they were fast on was whisking our dishes away--once whether we were done with them or not. Then, when the bill came, the drink the waitress had brought by mistake was on the bill instead of Tego's correct drink--and it cost about 2 dollars more than the right one. Now, 2 dollars isn't a whole lot of money, but it's a little ridiculous to ask us to pay more money for something we didn't order to cover a mistake you made, so we asked her to change it.

After dinner, though, we went to ACKC, and all got phenomenal chocolate drinks (well, Tego got a white choco drink, which shouldn't count at all). Mmmm. stillesprite and I had a bit of trouble where I got our cups mixed up in my head, and we spent some time trying to refigure out which was which based on what we ordered (since right then they tasted more like hot than anything else) and the relative color that would make them.

On the way back Tego, stillesprite, and I bought our tickets at the Black Cat for the Hotspur/Mae (and two other bands I didn't know) concert there on Sunday.

Saturday, I woke up before my alarm and, because inviting rocksizedheart over for dinner had kind of turned into an impromptu dinner party, I just got up in order to clean up some. Cleaned until about 11:30, took a break to shower and get dressed, and then met up with Anne, Tego, and Krisztina. Anne drove us down to Tyson, where we spent the day shopping. Anne had needed to exchange a pair of pants, and then invited us along. I ended up buying two sweaters for work at Martin&Osa and since they weren't expensive (yay! sale!), just what I needed for work (since I got rid of two winter work shirts that had never fit right in the sleeves, and were therefore uncomfortable), and cute, I feel no buyers guilt whatsoever about them. Also picked up a cute green lace-trimmed bra at H&M, and then some smelly stuff at the Body Shop. Those other purchase give me a little guilt since I wasn't planning to buy them when I went. Also, Panera now has mac&cheese, which is fantabulous.

We got back to Ballston right around 5:30, when rocksizedheart was due to come over, so I took Tego with me and left Anne and Krisztina to drop stuff off at T&K's before coming over themselves. I started cooking, and rocksizedheart came up. Finished cooking in time for Tego to eat and run (to meet stillesprite et al for a night of Edgar Allen Poe), and then the rest of us sat down and enjoyed a fairly decent meal.

Tego had brought a nice italian bread and a bag of frozen brocoli. The brocoli went into a tofu/brocoli stirfry that wasn't as spicy as I'd hoped it would be. Krisztina got some tasty chocolate desserts for us. rocksizedheart brought over beer, some dessert, and 2 nice zucchini (which were turned into a cold stirfry). I also made my miso-chicken and served it over rice, and broke out the nice bottle of white wine mum brought me down from Canada.

After everyone had gone home, and after I'd cleaned up somewhat (thought i left the dirty dishes for Sunday), I had an awful tummy ache :( and called my mommy so she could make me feel better, even though I knew she couldn't really make me feel better. We discovered I own exactly none of about 10 different stomach remedies. go me.

Sunday, I didn't make it to chuch because I still wasn't feeling awesome (though much improved from the night before), but was good by the afternoon. Did much needed chores and stuck to the couch with my hotpad that afternoon, ate basically bread almost all day, and then met Tego at the metro in time to get to the Black Cat by 8 for the concert.

The concert was really good, and a lot of fun. I didn't really need that hearing anyway (worthwhile sacrifice?). It was kind of nostalgic to be out with my (concert-going) girls at a concert again :D. At 13 dollars for 4 bands, it was also a good deal. Unlike the Levi store 2 years ago, Hotspur was playing for more than just their high school friends (lol). They were also necessarily less jailbaity, though some components of the audience certainly were (parents in tow to take them home again before it got too late on a school night). I bought their new CD, and then tracked them all down during the next set to get it autographed. They were all really nice and personable, and the drummer is incredibly tall (when not seated behind a drum). The lead and the lead guitarist are also quite tall, but they were standing so it wasn't a surprise.

Mae played the last set, so we had to leave before they finished or we wouldn't have made it home (Tego and I were literally on the last train out of New Carrolton. And it took a long time to get home too, with the train stopped long and pointlessly at Metro Center), but they also played really well, and stillesprite liked them a lot, so I'm pleased. They'd had all their equipment stolen about three days prior, so were playing on borrowed stuff, and idk the point of that. Just relating it, I guess. It felt really weird not to all three of us be going back to the same place after, just like senior year.

I was up much too late (got to bed a little after 1 because I needed to shower), and consequently overslept an hour Monday morning. Had to call in to say I'd be late. Used half of my remaining comp time, but it's all good. What's half an hour really?

So yes, long, busy, awesome weekend, and my apartment is cleaner than it's been in ages, which is exciting in an entirely different way.

ordered pizza!

detritus of awesome:
۞ akamepi just the way i like it. not emchan!safe

۞mycroftnext: it's like an approval orgy!

۞ Semper Fidelis Fideli Amato. NOT emchan!safe. genkill fic. it's nice and hot, but what really got me was the sneak!attack of a sap ending. i like, flailed on my couch going 'that's so sweet!!' and yeah. so right. off you go.

۞maya-morning: Yes, yes they do. And my answer will be "yes, but I only steal the tasty babies'

۞ threesome drabbles

۞mycroftnext: DE FRIGGIN SHOU?

۞ context: writing an email to someone, CCing Erica.
Nikki: How's that status report coming?
Erica: ☺ Subtle, yet directed ☺

food: レストラン, food, pimpin', nikki no baka, hoya saxa, this is not my fandom (yet), america, ficcage, quotes without context, baito, wow you suck, socializing ftw, with the random, sleep, threesomes are love

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