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Comments 8

ky_rin July 28 2009, 04:00:22 UTC
i'm sorry about the mess bb ): i hate it when stuff like that happens! D: I hope you have a good night's sleep?

that dress sounds cute. and your breats can eat me anyday.



anamuan July 28 2009, 04:12:05 UTC
I'm just lucky it mostly washed out of everything. those chili peppers stain like a bitch.

it is! i like it a lot! hobaby! seriously tho. i like my boobs and all, but they were kind of frightening. stillesprite was like 'if ever you want people not to look at your face...

*snuggles* come back to bed with me *puppy eyes*


fluttering July 28 2009, 04:34:47 UTC
UGH I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS glad you didn't lose much. I once lost my favorite book due to spillage. :( :(


anamuan July 28 2009, 11:50:32 UTC
if i'd lost either the book or the scarf i probably would have broken down crying on the street, no lie.


cynicalism July 28 2009, 06:55:02 UTC
:( sometimes you just have those terrible terrible days. on the bright side, it means there should be a better tomorrow? *hug* ♥

on another note *snicker* the akame virus seems oddly appropriate. o wait, you also hate kame, don't you...LOL.


anamuan July 28 2009, 11:52:21 UTC
rofl don't worry! life can always get worse :D

:\\\ i don't hate them, but i don't want strangers spamming me with no explanation. if it were someone i knew i'd have been at least willing to try. or you know, look at their journal.


mycroftnext July 29 2009, 03:53:14 UTC
I'm so glad you were able to fix up the scarf from Aliza. That would have been horrible to lose. It's so pretty!!! What's in ma po dofu?

That is awkward about locking yourself out of the dressing room. I would probably have just have sat in the room praying someone would show up. I'm really introverted when I want to be.

Tsweets is always happy, especially with stillesprite and Tegola.

If you were wearing that vest, could anyone be unwary about your breasts?


anamuan July 29 2009, 11:18:18 UTC
i would have cried, seriously. um, tofu. usually finely ground pork, but i've made it with beef. this time, black beans. oh, also, asian chili (sauce? paste? whichever). like the kind that is really bright orange with flecks of red in it?

it was the first time i'd ever been in commander salamander, but it's all just one big room, with a row of dressing rooms against the back wall. Also, my purse was in there!


no, i think not. well, perhaps a blind person, who wouldn't know they were about to get an eye poked out (not that they need it?)


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