fml. or at least my evening

Jul 27, 2009 23:01

Anyone know this sakameko? I got spam from them about akame, idek. i am not down with that.

locked myself stupidly out of a dressing room with a dress on that i couldn't get to zip up the back, and my clothes, and my purse and stuff inside. the attendant came and let me back in, but i sure felt dumb.

Then, as i was leaving the store, i had a sneaking suspicion that there was moisture at the corner of my bag, so i looked inside to ma po dofu had leaked out of the bottom of the box everywhere inside. The bag is waterproofed on the inside, so it was just collecting at the bottom (mixed blessing). My umbrella was sitting right in all of it, but that's relatively ok. I'm upset about the shawl Tego brought me from cairo, which was rather orange in places, and even more than that, my copy of Nobuta wo Produce which I've been reading with rocksizedheart. T_T orange. sadness.

The people at Commander Salamander were v nice though, and gave me an extra bag when i asked for one. I put the slightly drenched items I didn't want to get more drenched inside, and stuck that back in my bag. The not-mapodofu-ed items (another book, and another shawl, the one that would probably have stained horribly because it's lightish pink) went into the shopping bag with my purchase, and then I locked myself in the bathroom at Tsweets for a while and cleaned everything as best I could. I saved some stuff till I got home, but i used paper towels to mop it up.

now i'm just exhausted. got home after 10:30, which is waaay too late for a work night. god so tired. guess i'm skipping my wii fit tonight just because i still need to shower.

on the up side, i got a cute dress for 10 dollars. it's white with a black lace overlay, and has a white ribbon around the 'waist' which is just under my boobs. it's not cut right for empire waisted, so idk what to call it. now i just need somewhere to wear it too. so not work appropriate.

on another upside, studying with rocksizedheart went well! that's always nice.

also on the up side, i had a tasty dinner, and then tsweets icecream with stillesprite and tego. And tego and I also tried this half a vest thing that's designed to make people with small breasts look like they have a bigger chest. On us, it looked kind of like our breasts could reach out and eat unwary people or animals.
still, after locking myself out of my dressing room, finding the mess in my bag was very disheartening.

i hate my life, other people's awesome, food, 疲れてるけど, wtf, nikki is graceful like falling bricks, nikki no baka, idiotic is my new hobby, why aren't you kidding?, no one cares no really, socializing ftw

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