
Jul 29, 2009 22:26

"Well, the world ended, but it looked cool!"

it was so humid yesterday/last night/today that the face cloth I used yesterday morning was actually wetter when i woke up. I threw it in the dryer with some clothes that weren't entirely dry yet and set it again. and got a new face cloth.
also had to wear different shoes than usual because they're cloth and it wasn't working.

i wore white pants today and feel like i've crossed some line into 'used-to-be-yuppie soccer mom'-ville from which there is no return. see what happens to me working at an office with all these people my mom's age? though after a day in them, i'm also beginning to think they're not very practical at all in terms of keeping clean (though i didn't spill either my curry or my coffee on them! go me!)

sillyandmorbid: dear yahoo, the great wall of china, while crawling with tourists, IS NOT a tourist trap. those are like, the world's largest ball of cotton

pros&cons of sleeping:
con: dreamt about work :(
pro: ....and all the cubicles were made out of pillows. :D work would be so much better if i had a pillow (or 80)

....way to fail dictionary.com. filter out the definition of the actual word i'm looking for in favour of words whose example sentences use the word I'm looking for so as to save me the horrible effort of looking at 'less relevant search results'. which are, you know, the actual word.

Dinner with rocksizedheart and Anne tonight, which as great fun, as usual. Also, very tasty. We went to the place with the awning and the good burgers that we went to the other time it rained very suddenly.

secrets, merlin drabble by thawrecka

Joan was in an almost creepily good mood today. For instance, at one point I looked up because there was a rain of bubbles drifting gently down from over the side of my cube.

food, pimpin', wtf, nikki is graceful like falling bricks, food=幸せ, quotes without context, baito, no one cares no really, weather, dream, sleep, with the random, socializing ftw

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