
Jun 07, 2009 22:53

opinions please?

After that, did you read this yet?

Reply to this post, and I will list three or more things I like about you. Then repost to your own journal to spread the love.

i am angry!, meme, i don't even know what to call this tag, unproductive is my tokugi, someone just shoot me kthxbai

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Comments 8

rocksizedheart June 8 2009, 03:42:14 UTC
Where do I reply, here or there? If it's there, I'll post this there later ( ... )


anamuan June 8 2009, 11:50:38 UTC
i was hoping opinions be posted there, not because i don't want to read them (i plan to stalk that post), but because that way i know sillyandmorbid will see them ( ... )


ky_rin June 8 2009, 06:44:29 UTC
I read the second one! the first is taking a while to get through with my bad case of ADD right now. *twitches*


anamuan June 8 2009, 11:21:01 UTC
i had trouble getting through the first one at all because it a) made me angry and b) wasn't laid out/written as well. malika's response to the original op/ed piece was much easier to read.


edited (again) for love! i didn't have this morning. jklaf;eijalk;gejflk;aeijagkl;ea ilu so much it is hard to put into words! this may describe it in small part. You are fun and funny, and we can snuggle or chatter or just be quiet in chat and it's all good and never awkward. you know many cool things and don't get upset over stupid things. there is sparkle and flail and pinlove and tomalove and you write beautifully and even if you didn't you're a beautiful person.


gingifere June 8 2009, 12:45:18 UTC
oh man. it sort of sucks that one of the women doesn't think the post makes som valid points, because it does. it's also sad that she had to result to making offensive comments like 'get the sand out of your vagina' because they're the sort of vulgar comments men make when they're trying to be ~edgy~

i will take a look at the second link after i am done showering :D



anamuan June 8 2009, 22:40:55 UTC
when by 'edgy' they mean 'misogynist but in denial because it's just so ~edgy~.'

sarah, ilu for so many reasons! you let me talk to you about all kinds of crazy shit. you have the best accent ever? you enable my poor fic. the crack. mass emails. sparkles and emoji. being a v cool person. ♥♥♥ i'm very blessed to have met you. ^_^


myxstorie June 9 2009, 19:55:16 UTC
Love me? XDv


anamuan June 10 2009, 01:51:55 UTC
you are funny, and enthusiastic, and yet still reasonable. you don't make a big fuss about negative things, but you do get excited about the things that make you happy.

also, your porn? hot, hot stuff. just thought you should hear it again know


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