Happy Tuesday~

May 12, 2009 07:45

annie: I'd like to say the orcs would win because they're orcs...but bollywood is pretty hard to beat ( Read more... )

food: レストラン, nikki no baka, my god is an awesome god, annie, mornings should diaf, mi familia, baito, bakanakoto, socializing ftw, the jianjian, posts of oblique references

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Comments 6

sillyandmorbid May 13 2009, 00:49:15 UTC
I wish they sang-narrated their actions instead

i miss family. i am jealous you got the family.


anamuan May 13 2009, 02:13:45 UTC
D: but i don't understand orc! where am i going to find subsssssss?

T_T i miss you. come here!


ky_rin May 13 2009, 06:24:34 UTC
oh dear. *hugs*


anamuan May 13 2009, 22:41:42 UTC
*snuggles* it's fine. i just like to complain XD


saraah May 13 2009, 19:22:42 UTC
If someone were hanging around me like that woman at your work, it would make me so anxious. =| You must have a lot of patience.


anamuan May 13 2009, 22:10:19 UTC
lol it comes from self confidence and confidence in my current position. I know i'm not going to fuck up, (and she's got a reputation for being '(unreasonably) demanding' and has caused problems for my team before, so my boss has my back) so while I don't like her breathing down my neck, I'm not worried that she'll have the ability to make my life hell. i obviously don't have patience with some of her actions, but i try not show it. i just remind myself to use the honey instead of the vinegar.


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