Happy Tuesday~

May 12, 2009 07:45

annie: I'd like to say the orcs would win because they're orcs...but bollywood is pretty hard to beat!

the family left around 2 or 2:30 and forgot some clothes and a canvas grocery bag. i tried to call but couldn't get through so i talked to jianjian about her summer housing woes. in the evening, I went to dupont to meet (a part of) Krisztina's extended family who were in town for her sister's graduation. It was part mother's day dinner, part her little brother's birthday dinner, and part graduation celebration at a place called Stars Bistro. The site claimed that the servers sing to you, and i suppose technically they do, but my mental image from their description had people singing "Here is your Salad~" as they set the plates down, when it was really more that when they weren't waiting tables, they went up and did their thing with a mic next to the piano. They did sing very well though. The food was also good, though expensive. Down at my end of the 'kids' table (party was too big for one table, even with several tables pushed end to end), we ordered drinks and then passed them around so everyone could try them.

nikki: you know you have a true friend when you can lass your aff off at your failures

yesterday, bad!linda was getting on my last nerve. she was like 'put together a 'save the date' email for me' so i put one together and sent it to her. then she's like, 'I want these changes made,' and makes the changes and sends it to me so that I can see the changes. In the text. So i figure, ok, that's done. then, later she was like 'are you sending me a revised email?' Um, no? you revised it already. I copied her email, changed the text she'd changed to red to show the differences back to black, and sent it back to her.

She was also having panic attacks about the phone/video conferencing system. First of all, this is not my job. Like, not even something that's not technically my job, but i could do. This is like, there is a separate system and you have to go through these other people to set things up and use it and stuff. So i go through them to set it up, and it's like i've got a goblin on my shoulder the whole time, squawking questions at me and it's just like, 'look. I know you've had technical problems in the past with this system, and you don't know how to use it well enough to really troubleshoot by yourself. This is the first time I'll be using it and that makes you nervous as well. BUT IF YOU CARE SO MUCH, LEARN HOW TO USE THE DAMN THING YOURSELF AND LEAVE ME BE.'

She did back off at the end of the day, saying 'if you think you've got this covered, and want me to take a step back, just tell me' so i may forgive her for the phone system thing. The email deal was still stupid though.

dad: *stumbles out of bathroom in middle of night* my piss smells korean.

Annie also showed me the wonders of using a car as your stereo system. THE SOUND IS SO MUCH BETTER. seriously, i don't know why i'm surprised a car's system with its trebble and base sounds better than my little, 6-year-old computer speakers.

can i go to sleep now?

food: レストラン, nikki no baka, my god is an awesome god, annie, mornings should diaf, mi familia, baito, bakanakoto, socializing ftw, the jianjian, posts of oblique references

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