betware the circle of nom!

May 09, 2009 23:05

So the family came down to visit this weekend. They got in yesterday before I even got off work, but they have keys so they let themselves in no problem. I stopped at Rosslyn to pick up mom's pastries on the way home and hopped the bus back the rest of the way. Then, after putzing a bit because dad was taking a nap, we walked down most past clarendon station to Kitty O'Shea's Sports Pub and watched half the pens-caps game surrounded by caps fans. We left so that we'd make it home for the last period, because it didn't feel right to keep a table after we'd finished eating, and then we won, so that was great :D
i keep forgetting that you can still smoke in bars in VA tho.

Speaking of pens-caps games, we beat them again tonight (HA SUCK THAT BITCHES) in sudden death overtime. That's the second game we beat them in overtime this series, and our third straight win.

The washer seems about to die and is not turning properly and making Unhappy Noises and occasionally won't open. Fortunately the landlord says he will replace it. Unfortunately, the landlord is leaving the country on vacation.

READ. THIS. read it. i am laughing so hard, and i'm not even halfway through it.

Today we had Korean BBQ and did a lot of assorted grocery shopping. i also got 3 shirts. rofl two are black and white and grey which gets exactly no color into my already grey-and-black dominated wardrobe. We went to borders to browse and wondered at the very full parking lot until we got inside and saw a poster advertising Chuck Palahniuk having a reading/signing there then. So yes, mystery solved.

We also framed my diplomas (mom brought the frames & diplomas down, along with half a metric tonne of food). The instructions that came with the frames were not entirely transparent, but we figured it out and now they look classy on my table/leaning against the wall. On a georgetown theme, the gtown photobook I made for 39¢ came today and looks pretty-ish.

other people's awesome, food: レストラン, food, tv, pimpin', hoya saxa, this is not my fandom (yet), america, mi familia, wow you suck, with the random, posts of oblique references, school

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