
Apr 04, 2009 23:33

so, almost certainly thanks to Tego, I have survived making hummus for 50 people. Tego came over (early, actually) around 11:30, bearing two large tupperware and one can opener. She'd misread my text, and thought it said 11 instead of 1, so i made her help me finish washing off the window screens. After successfully washing them (scrubbing bubbles ( Read more... )

other people's awesome, food, nikki no baka, church, food=幸せ, my god is an awesome god, what; is this hope?, triumph!, why aren't you kidding?, bakanakoto, socializing ftw

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Comments 11

sillyandmorbid April 5 2009, 06:06:34 UTC
you could take a picture! and then frame it and hang it on the bar. then take a picture! and frame it and hang it on the bar (take the first one off). and then it will be a picture hanging on the bar of a picture hanging on the bar!!


anamuan April 5 2009, 13:43:13 UTC
you are so silly! i love you!!


gingifere April 5 2009, 12:04:59 UTC
Happy it went ok! I was thinking about you yesterday♥


anamuan April 5 2009, 13:42:41 UTC
sorry i missed the tea party ;_;


gingifere April 5 2009, 13:44:33 UTC
It's fine! It wasn't very well organised tbh. I think the next one I'll have to make more effort to sort out :[


anamuan April 5 2009, 14:37:16 UTC
perhaps just a little bit more time in advance.

look! we match!


ky_rin April 5 2009, 16:22:46 UTC
lololol did I tell you what my mom says to me over msn alskdas hilarious. the first time she learned to use the smileys that winked and went "hehe" gave me goosebumps and made me run from the computer lol. i suspect she was trying to give me hints on how to control my boyfriend. it was... very awkward. o_O


anamuan April 7 2009, 00:54:31 UTC


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