
Apr 04, 2009 23:33

so, almost certainly thanks to Tego, I have survived making hummus for 50 people. Tego came over (early, actually) around 11:30, bearing two large tupperware and one can opener. She'd misread my text, and thought it said 11 instead of 1, so i made her help me finish washing off the window screens. After successfully washing them (scrubbing bubbles are your friend), we putzed a bit until maybe 12:45 ish?

Then we started on the hummus. Tego dutifully, and to great personal pain, opened all the cans of chickpeas, and then the can of tahini. I spent the time roughly chopping the jar of red peppers (well, ok, just the peppers, not the jar). Then I set her to getting the garlic ready while i started doing conversions. See, the recipe we had was for about 17 people, and we were supposed to make three batches. My food processor? really small. So we added it all up, and decided about a tenth of the total (50-person) batch would fit at a time. So we had to reconvert everything to much smaller batches.

So we throw everything in....and the food processor doesn't work. It's brand new. I had to break the plastic bag and cardboard covering the blades, and everything. So we go to Krisztego's and pick up their blender (and confused krisztina because she thought we were cooking there, even though we had no food? idk she called later and was like '....what just happened?') and brought it back, and did our original estimation of 5 batches instead of three and it worked much better. It took a bit of a while, but not ridiculously so. We had to do some taste-testing of course, to make sure it was fit for consumption.

There was a bit of a hang-up with the last two batches, because the one we forgot to put the garlic in, so we put double in the next batch, since they were going in the same tupperware in the end anyway.

I had to handsqueeze the lemons, so i took the leftover and tried my hand at candied lemon...chunks, since they weren't slices. Some i should have let boil in the sugar water longer, but for the most part, they were good! I used the leftover water to make tea, but it mostly tasted like lemons and sugar, and not a lot like tea. Of course, this meant tego liked it. I had actual tea later, and was personally much more satisfied.

postcards from yo momma. true words of wisdom yo. I think they're so awesome because mothers can say things that NO ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD can get away with.

I am excited! Wednesday, I will get to open my windows without fear of the GIANT FLIES that seem to find their way in otherwise. Plus, Patrick will install my picture hanging bar thing and I can start hanging my photos. I will take a picture! I am really excited about getting to put my pictures up. All I need to do now is buy frames.

other people's awesome, food, nikki no baka, church, food=幸せ, my god is an awesome god, what; is this hope?, triumph!, why aren't you kidding?, bakanakoto, socializing ftw

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