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Comments 18

roundaboutit March 19 2009, 00:38:30 UTC
"It says here that you're a cock slut."

Jensen choked on air. "I'm sorry, what?!"

Jared clears his throat. "You're a slut for my massive cock, according to our fans. See?" He pulls out a leather bound cover and throws it at Jensen's face.

"I- what the fuck is this?" Jensen asks, dumbfounded. His face goes several delicious shades of red before setting somewhere between sunburnt and third degree."I do not beg for your cock."

"Like hell you don't, Jenny." Jared beams.

"What the hell? Padacock, Padadong? Cockzilla?!"

"My dick is bigger than South America, dude. Naturally you'd beg for it."

"I don't understand this. Why does everyone always think that we're fucking."

Jared shrugs. "Same reason Sam and Dean always get called on being gay."

"Dude," Jensen pauses midflip. "They're brothers."

"But also gay for each other! C'mon. I bet Dean totally begs for Sam's cock."

Jensen is so horrified that his base instincts take over and he tries to beat Jared to death with the case.


anamuan March 19 2009, 00:48:33 UTC
roflroflrofl i love jared has it bound.

"It says here that you're a cock slut."

Jensen choked on air. "I'm sorry, what?!"
I think that Jensen's reaction is, really, the most appropriate response to anything I've ever seen.

*is actually rolling with laughter*


roundaboutit March 19 2009, 00:57:23 UTC
"I want to have sex."

"Didn't we already have this conversation?" Jensen bites his lip, bears down on Mario and zooms by once Peach gets close enough to distract him.

"Yes but we still have not had sex." Jared's eyes narrow in accusation. "Why have we not had sex yet?"

"Because I do not want cockzilla anywhere near my peach."

"Who the hell calls it a peach,: Jared murmurs, more to himself.

"At any rate," Jensen yells. "We're not having sex."

"And why not?"

Jensen pouts. "Kim said no."

Jared blinks. "Kim's dead."

"Yes I know," Jensen says, going back to Mario Kart. "His ghost told me."


anamuan March 19 2009, 01:01:38 UTC
roflrofl wtf. XDD


roundaboutit March 19 2009, 01:06:25 UTC
lolol more funny if you watch the shower longer than season 1 sorry


anamuan March 19 2009, 01:08:37 UTC
roflroflrofl i love how you have shower on the brain.


roundaboutit March 19 2009, 01:05:29 UTC
"I think we should go on vacation this year," Jensen says, already laying out pamphlets and printouts in front of Jared's who's more focus on Kanye West's skinny jeans.

"Isn't her scared his nuts are going to pinch?"

Jensen groans. "Focus! Here. Niagara. We haven't been to Niagara yet."

"Don't wanna go to Niagara," Jared mutters. "We should stay local. Drive to the Okanagan or something."

"Like Kelowna?" Jensen asks.

Jared nods.

"Alright. We'll drive up, rent a cabin, shoot the shit... How bad could it be?"


Jared kicks when he sleeps.

"Ow, you motherfucker, roll over." Jensen shoves until Jared hits the floor.

There's a cockroach crawling in the corner of the room.

Jensen hopes that it crawls into Jared's mouth and chokes him to death.


anamuan March 19 2009, 01:08:56 UTC


roundaboutit March 19 2009, 03:36:53 UTC


anamuan March 19 2009, 01:09:26 UTC


ginzarhapsody March 19 2009, 01:18:37 UTC
that was a sucky summary of my visit. :c PORN BEDTIME STORIES! \:D/

i dreamt the waz figures at madame tussard's tried to stop me from getting to the bus stop and so i woke up at 3am. thus, it was easy to get me up at 4am later. :P


anamuan March 19 2009, 01:29:14 UTC
i read about that on your twitter, only then they were wax figures instead.


ky_rin March 19 2009, 02:01:53 UTC
*puts pretty flowers on your rock*

This entire post is very amusing. ♥



anamuan March 19 2009, 21:08:49 UTC
\o/ yay! flowers!
roflrofl only now it's like a tombstone. no one better leave me a stuffed bear or something...



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