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roundaboutit March 19 2009, 00:57:23 UTC
"I want to have sex."

"Didn't we already have this conversation?" Jensen bites his lip, bears down on Mario and zooms by once Peach gets close enough to distract him.

"Yes but we still have not had sex." Jared's eyes narrow in accusation. "Why have we not had sex yet?"

"Because I do not want cockzilla anywhere near my peach."

"Who the hell calls it a peach,: Jared murmurs, more to himself.

"At any rate," Jensen yells. "We're not having sex."

"And why not?"

Jensen pouts. "Kim said no."

Jared blinks. "Kim's dead."

"Yes I know," Jensen says, going back to Mario Kart. "His ghost told me."


anamuan March 19 2009, 01:01:38 UTC
roflrofl wtf. XDD


roundaboutit March 19 2009, 01:06:25 UTC
lolol more funny if you watch the shower longer than season 1 sorry


anamuan March 19 2009, 01:08:37 UTC
roflroflrofl i love how you have shower on the brain.


roundaboutit March 19 2009, 03:36:22 UTC
lolol my head...


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