hit me

Feb 27, 2009 17:21

I'm really behind on my word-count for the month between moving and having to work all day and the month kind of ends tomorrow. Yikes! Leave me prompts, and I'll see what I can't write you. I'll write JE, and am willing to attempt GW, MERLIN, and J2 (and possibly original stuff, but idk why you'd want to request that ( Read more... )

nikki no baka, commentfic, teh internets > my sanity, pairings i never thought i'd write, this is not my fandom (yet), ficcage

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anamuan March 1 2009, 05:16:44 UTC
"And the key here--pay attention Jin, this is the most important part--is blend thoroughly, but not to overdo it." Sarah instructed, before pushing the 'blend' button on the antiquated blender. "Until you get the hang of judging just when it's been mixed enough but not too much, you get the same effect by blending in short bursts and stopping to check on it periodically to see what your consistency is ( ... )


roundaboutit March 1 2009, 06:16:09 UTC
rofl rofl rofl brilliant.


gingifere March 2 2009, 01:00:25 UTC
kamn bawling, small person. god, i'd enjoy bossing Jin around :D


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