Hotties of the Persian Gulf

Feb 11, 2009 23:51

roundaboutit won Best 'Walked Into a Bar'Statement for this line: It was in fact four angels, three demi-gods, six demons and a werewolf that had walked into the bar that Sunday. from her latest sins verse installment. I love that line, and kind of twisted her arm into submitting it and I AM GOING TO DANCE A HAPPY DANCE FOR HER AWESOME NOW YAH.

24 HOUR V-DAY Read more... )

food, pimpin', hoobaloo!!, nikki no baka, commentfic, idiotic is my new hobby, food=幸せ, weather, socializing ftw

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Comments 59

saturnianlove February 12 2009, 04:59:52 UTC
lololol is it bad that I was sniggering through your whole package opening ordeal?

THE PIN IN THAT FIC IS SO *_______* kind of subtle, but beautiful ;__;

It's warm there? It's cold here! I would laugh if it is actually the same temperature.


ginzarhapsody February 12 2009, 05:06:52 UTC
i actually think it was close to the same temperature. we got into the fifties today and we all were happy with the warmth. ;) it was the same temperature in my hometown as it was here in massachusetts and i was pretty amused. XD


saturnianlove February 12 2009, 05:22:57 UTC
laughing, walking to my class at 6:15 or so, I was wearing my long coat (think the girls in Tatta Hitotsu no Koi), scarf, and gloves xD so cold~

And I grew up in Massachusetts! I was thinking about snowpants; it made me nostalgic. I had sweet lilac ones...and some other colors, but right now I only remember the lilac pair, haha. So puffy, but warm, ne.


anamuan February 12 2009, 05:16:54 UTC
XD it's fine now. then i would have cussed you out too. :x i am cranky when i'm hungry.

T____T it's heartbreakingly beautiful.

ahahaha. it might be XD


ky_rin February 12 2009, 05:15:55 UTC
i love that being drunk and hungry comparison. I'd rather be drunk, though.

and I love it when you are drunk


anamuan February 12 2009, 05:18:05 UTC
i'd rather be drunk too.

rofl gotten any secrets out of me yet?


myxstorie February 12 2009, 05:33:13 UTC
Ooooh a new installment! *flails around*

I'd like to take a lie detector, to see how it turned out. I'd be so worried I'd fail even if I was telling the truth that my pulse would skyrocket XDDD

*whimper* Can we have some of that weather, please? It's FREEZING.

O__O No can opener? I'm impressed at your ingenuity ;) Why not just use a teaspoon to scoop the beans out? At least the food was worth the struggle XDD


anamuan February 12 2009, 07:09:57 UTC

hahaha XD i just think it would be fun to do ne.

i can give you 10 degrees, give or take, but after that i want to start killing myself again. D: how cold is it?

i really wanted the burritos.
teaspoon wouldn't reach. i'd have cut myself to ribbons on the jagged can edges. actually, the butter knife was cutting it close. pun intended.


myxstorie February 12 2009, 07:21:13 UTC

Agreed XD

I.. have no idea. It's 19 degrees INSIDE with heating on, but I haven't bothered listening to/looking up the weather forecast to tell me how freezing I should be.

Ouch >_< Congratulations on completing your meal without any major injuries, then!


anamuan February 12 2009, 08:02:06 UTC
19C or 19F? ...C yes. duh. otherwise you wouldn't be like 'WITH HEATING' you'd be like 'HI I AM A POPSICLE VERSION OF MYSELF'

roflrofl i'm pretty good at not hurting myself, for all my kitchen panics.


mycroftnext February 12 2009, 06:02:39 UTC
YAY! I hadn't seen that Ro had won! RO PWNS ALL!!!!
You know what I think would be cool? If they included links to fic/writings that were already posted along with the winning sentences. Pimpin' is always fun; plus, there are some of those winners that I would really like to read more of!

I can see you just trying to screw with the lie detector tests.
'What color is your hair?'
'Well, it's sort of a roan brown mixed with hints of raven-black. It has a lot of Chinese flavor, but in the right lights, you'll see my French heritage coming out.'
'Uhh, let's go with black, ok?'

You should call in Dean and Sam to deal with your kitchen problems. They're handy with knives!

Yay! I'm glad you're getting the chance to read it. It made me totally jealous of her writing skills and way with words very happy when I read it.


anamuan February 12 2009, 07:12:08 UTC
rofl idk if many are posted, honestly. but you should drop that idea into the suggestion box post.

they'd probably fail me just to get back at me.
Supervisor: These results are passing.
Person who had to deal with me: *grimly* not when i'm done with them.

roflrofl if i had them, the only time spent in the kitchen would not be emchan!rated

it's an interesting style ne. I'm still only on like, page 34


mycroftnext February 13 2009, 01:35:24 UTC
But dropping a suggestion would mean that I would have to tell them how far I'm not on my word count! (actually, I need to do that anyway)

You would certainly be a force to reckon with. I know I'm scared of splitting the truth hairs with you! is it that you manage to turn all of my nice, innocent suggestions into porny thing? (Don't answer that.)

It is an interesting style. One that I don't think I could ever sustain. But I'm glad she did!


anamuan February 13 2009, 02:29:44 UTC're one of those 86 inconsiderate people? :( i am so ashamed of you. Tell me you've checked in with your word count by now. It's not like they're going to do anything to you, you know.

roflrofl unfortunately, i think that when it comes to governmental lie detector tests, those administering it are always right.

*resists...resists...fails* practice.

yes, well, presumably it's a style that comes naturally to her. I mean, you don't have trouble maintaining your own style.


roundaboutit February 12 2009, 07:28:38 UTC
You're gloating! ):


anamuan February 12 2009, 07:55:51 UTC
not gloating. happy for you, dear. this is what it looks like.


roundaboutit February 12 2009, 08:01:55 UTC
I was so scared. I though i was going to scroll down and see 50 =D faces.


anamuan February 12 2009, 08:03:12 UTC
rofl icon. i meant the icon.


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