Hotties of the Persian Gulf

Feb 11, 2009 23:51

roundaboutit won Best 'Walked Into a Bar'Statement for this line: It was in fact four angels, three demi-gods, six demons and a werewolf that had walked into the bar that Sunday. from her latest sins verse installment. I love that line, and kind of twisted her arm into submitting it and I AM GOING TO DANCE A HAPPY DANCE FOR HER AWESOME NOW YAH.

24 HOUR V-DAY CHALLENGE you know you want to be there.

I need to get the right tax form. I wish i were paying DC taxes instead of VA, but then again, I don't want to have to move.

i bet the security clearance i am going to get won't require lie detector tests. I'll be honest. I'm disappointed. I think that would be so cool! Rofl on the other hand it would be bad if i failed and then lost my job.

i should have gotten some beer at the grocery store today. It was really warm today, so I walked. also, wtf the weather? it's like. no jacket weather. It's february. A week ago water mains in DC were breaking from cold.
either way, i have a giant blister on the back of my foot, but i also have delicious home-made burritos.

So making the burritos was, as mycroftnext says, a bit of a comedy of errors. First of all, after I'd thawed the meat, I realized that i didn't in fact have a can opener. I had two wine openers. In the end, I used a great big knife, and a heavy steel pan to bang a messy circle into the top of the can and peeled it off. If any of my neighbours were home at the time, they hate me now. Then i had issues getting the beans out of the can (with decidedly lethal edges). All my spatulas were too big for the jagged entrance, so i used the knife i'd opened it with for most of it. when i got fed up with the tip getting stuck in the bottom of the can, i switched to a butter knife. The tortillas package was also annoyingly difficult to open, but mostly because i was starving by then. Then the cheese. The cheese was one of those 'tear here' resealable deals. The tear here bit just tore off, instead of all the way across. In the end I ended up slicing it over with a steak knife. I'm like finally, and slide the reseal thing back, and THE INSIDE IS ALSO SEALED SHUT. I sliced it open with my steak knife too. And in the end, i ended up cursing at a plastic bag full of grated cheese because mother fuck. The burritos were great though. Tego liked them too.

I have decided that being hungry is like being drunk except for the pleasant warm feeling, and the buzz. Impaired motor skills, depth perception, cognition and judgement.

Reading Reading Lolita in Tehran makes me realize again why i didn't ever seriously consider being a lit major. I do not analyze literature well.

food, pimpin', hoobaloo!!, nikki no baka, commentfic, idiotic is my new hobby, food=幸せ, weather, socializing ftw

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