THANK YOU for Ficgames

Dec 31, 2008 15:22

This is a post made as a place to give our lovely mods for the 2008 JE ficgames, sollasollew11 and maya_morning a collective 'Thank you' for all the hard work they put in to planning and running the games this year. Thank you, sollasollew11 and maya_morning for your work.

1) Don't feel obligated to post anything. We know you all have busy lives, and that it's a busy time of year. The point isn't to give you more stress--it's to give our hardworking mods a bit of a thank you.

2) Post whatever you like, as long as its a way to express your thanks. This means everything from ficbits, to haiku about akame snogging (as diamondsjack suggested), to a nice thank you letter.

3) The deadline for submission is January, 15, 2009. That's when I'm unlocking this post and linking the mods to it.

4) Below are some suggestions if you want to contribute something, but are having a hard time thinking of what to do.

-First off, both our mods are big kame fans and would probably be very happy to recieve a little bit of anything with kame in it. sollasollew11's favourite pairing is Akame, and likes pin in that BFF not having sex kind of way. maya_morning likes akame and koki/kame. (this doesn't mean you have to write either. if you're not comfortable writing KAT-TUN, write something else. You can tell from je_ficgames that they just love good fic.) maya_morning is also a big fan of AU fic (though she definitely likes other things), though I'm not sure if sollasollew11 has any particular likes that way or not. They both like all your possible ratings, from G to NC-17.

-write a snippet from your fic for the games, like a deleted scene kind of thing (suggested by grunhilda) or something that happened before or after your fic took place, like the time stamp meme.

-team swap. grab a different team's theme and go! write your own, or do snippets from someone else's fic that you loved. (suggested by grunhilda)

-go gokusen 2! (other related suggestions that might be fun: team AU members could do something with drama warp (akame in gokusen land), team future could be doing gokusen 4 (any bets on if/when we'll get that one?) and team what if could do anything from 'what if they didn't get to do it' to... 'what if there was a hayaryu snog.' team present, of course, is set in the gokusen 2 'present') (also suggested by grunhilda)

got a suggestion of your own? let me know, and I'll add it to the list! email to anamuan [@] gmail [.] com or comment below.

General theme: Thanks, thankfulness
Have at it!

other people's awesome, commentfic, teh internets > my sanity, ♥ILU FLIST

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