let there be light! and pants!

Dec 30, 2008 18:02

Happy Birthday saturnianlove!! I'm sorry its late i didn't manage to post yesterday. I hope it was all kinds of awesome!

i love this so much. ryoshige, sweet and snarky and perfect.

anamuan: i found jin/tego squished in between yamapi wrestling a walrus and a threesome
grunhilda: *blinks*

i'm like spring cleaning out my fic folder, so:
akame meme stuff from forever ago. (the first is probably emchan!safe, but not the other two)

jin!fic and some pin, the last of which may even be emchan!appropriate.

porny tegojin from a kink meme.

incidentally, a funny thing with livejournal and time zones. nihongofrancais, as you may know, is in Japan. we share a fic journal. So she posted something my this morning/her last night and i just went to try and post something my tonight/her tomorrow morning. And jlkfaljk it wouldn't let me because her posting time came after the time it is now. wtf lj. rofl.

i am jealous because sillyandmorbid can get really cute bras very on sale, but nikki's size is never left by the time the prices get cut.

annie: damn you know she means business now! her entire outfit changed!

Currently very proud of shatteredinu

nikki: *nomnomnom*
mom: you should om nom this part, so i will be skinny.

had this really weird dream where the winter was really bad (because up until recently it was) and so there wasn't enough food and it drove the wolves down out of the hills/woods into the neighborhood. Dad pointed them out, so I went to the back door to watch them through the back door, because hello! wolf not in a zoo! and i turn away from the door for a minute and suddenly they're in our yard instead of us looking at them through the back neighbour's fence. And then there was this girl who (in the dream) I'd known from study abroad who was like. camping in our backyard because she needed a place to live (i do not know why she was not crashing in our house, particularly because it was waaaaay below freezing) and it was like D: because the wolves were HUGE and hungry and she was outside and two wolves totally ate her face (in such a way so that you couldn't see it, but you knew what they were doing). Then one of the two wolves, the bigger one looked straight at me and it was like 'I will eat you next;' I locked the back door then and like. went to hide. only jkaflelajgejlkageaag he got in! broke the lock or something when i wasn't in the kitchen jalfkejiklagkjeiagleaeag DDD:

at this point, i decided the dream was too scary and changed several important factors. 1) they weren't just wolves, they were wolf shape-shifters (this might have been true before, but i was too upset about them EATING PEOPLE) 2) the one hadn't eaten my friend's face, actually they were married and she was giving him a hug to welcome him back. And 3) the one that broke in was my fiance or something (i think later in the dream we snogged, and got married, and had a kid, and survived a civil war/anti-shape-shifter governmental policies, and the kid grew up and....it was a very time-skipp-y dream). I had to go close the back door because he forgot, but he was not going to eat me and i warmed my feet under him watching tv.

as another note, i think we were in the kitchen in the first place because our house didn't run on public electricity, but was self generated and may or may not have been run by hamsters and i think we were getting ready to let the hamsters out of the generator for the night to sleep. the time of day makes no sense in this dream. it was dark at first, then it was dusky, and then it was daytime idek. rofl i hope no one bothered reading this. i'm sorry! i warned you!

pimpin', i can't believe i wrote this, porn is my new new hobby, ficcage, annie, quotes without context, mi familia, bakanakoto, pairings i never thought i'd write, dream, with the random, the jianjian, posts of oblique references, unproductive is my tokugi

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