how sweet is surrender

Nov 30, 2008 15:12

Jianjian has left me T_T She's gone to a cold cold place.

Last night I stepped through part of the porch. I think we need to replace a few boards, if it can't take heels ( Read more... )

food, pimpin', nikki is graceful like falling bricks, annie, quotes without context, mi familia, i am so fucked it's not even funny, meme, sleep, the jianjian, posts of oblique references, with the random

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Comments 17

pixisticks November 30 2008, 20:38:48 UTC
I see wot u did thar.


anamuan November 30 2008, 23:12:29 UTC
who, what, me?


pixisticks November 30 2008, 23:20:25 UTC

... )


anamuan November 30 2008, 23:35:51 UTC

... )


ginzarhapsody November 30 2008, 21:00:40 UTC
but it's snowing in our cold cold place! like the ground is white! it's stuck sort of! \:D/ *listens to "White X'mas" on repeat happily*


anamuan November 30 2008, 23:14:46 UTC
sillyandmorbid sent me a lot of text messages from the plane while they were de-icing the wings. she was sitting next to a cute guy who's getting his Master's up that way. i forget what school


ginzarhapsody November 30 2008, 23:22:06 UTC
at my place?


anamuan November 30 2008, 23:36:42 UTC
if it were your place, i'd have remembered! hartford? i don't think it was hampshire... there was an 'h' somewhere.


myxstorie November 30 2008, 21:16:13 UTC
Hahahaha my little brother's voice is breaking, it's hilarious. He always sounds slightly off-key and/or surprised.

YES! More meme pimping! ♥


anamuan November 30 2008, 23:16:08 UTC
yeah, um. I felt something kind of give way when I stepped but figured, you know, maybe it just bent a little. When I went back to check, though, I'd totally broken through part of the wood.
awwwww, cute! i'm sure he feels differently about it...

As long as people keep linking me to awesome, awesome fic, I will keep pimping it :D thank you for hosting!


therelic November 30 2008, 23:22:45 UTC
Overdrive? What game were you playing?

Your meme is true but I think I for one should exercise self-control in taking these quizzes because there's only so much revelation you can accept about your own character before you go bonkers.


anamuan November 30 2008, 23:37:47 UTC
Rock Band.

I haven't had any problem with the self-introspection yet. Besides. i like pink and green :D


gingifere November 30 2008, 23:26:44 UTC
so true--

Your rainbow is intensely shaded white, red, and green.

What is says about you: You are a contemplative person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality. You get bored easily and want friends who will keep up with you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

Re-reading my ficgames fic. Oh man, what a mess. I butchered their characterisation. on the other hand--eeee, so much good fic *____* So excited to read yours, when you get the time to get it done! <3


anamuan November 30 2008, 23:38:22 UTC
ahahahaha! that's because you've not read it yet. you will soon recognize the folly of your ways.


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