kokoro no denpa

Jul 06, 2008 18:26

NWAV sent us all emails, saying there was a 'glitch' and they'll let us know by the end of the month. :\ not impressed, rice, not impressed.

shatteredinu finally got the letter i sent her. yay! it only took like, two weeks and me having to mail it twice because it came back the first time. good thing i put on a return address.

this makes me happy.

anamuan: you ( Read more... )

food: レストラン, 迷子to iu ka, quotes without context, the pretty, teh internets = my sanity, tv, food, america, japanese, swimmy swim swim, ♥ILU FLIST, posts of oblique references, sleep, homework, with the random, unproductive is my tokugi

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Comments 30

gingifere July 6 2008, 23:36:39 UTC
Mmm that Yamapi picture makes me very happy *___*


anamuan July 6 2008, 23:39:50 UTC
god yes. 'happy' is a good way to describe it. and better to say when there are kids around.


thinking_lotus July 6 2008, 23:59:36 UTC
yes. happy happy joy joy. we're all very appreciative.

otsukare sama deshita, p!


anamuan July 7 2008, 00:03:00 UTC
i love that it is blatant fanservice with no other point. the directors know it. pi knows it. we know it. And we just sit back and reap the benefits.


thinking_lotus July 7 2008, 01:08:59 UTC
pi's entire existence is blatant fanservice. I wonder if he ever finds that depressing. or even realizes it.


anamuan July 7 2008, 16:18:37 UTC
why should he ever find that depressing? he makes hundreds of thousands of people happy every day and he doesn't even have to do anything. (I'm sure he realizes it. Well, at least that a good part of his existence is blatant fanservice. maybe not that all of it is. I mean, he's not stupid, and he's been doing things like pulling off his shirt for cameras for a very long time)


goldengutgirl July 7 2008, 00:16:24 UTC


anamuan July 7 2008, 16:17:08 UTC
amen to that!


kitsune714 July 7 2008, 00:21:05 UTC
anamuan July 7 2008, 16:20:27 UTC
you are probably the only person watching for the surgery. I'm not watching (yet?) but if i did, i'd learn for the weird Japanese vocab I'd pick up and well, the yama!torso.

it's in 3 parts, and so, so good.


pixisticks July 7 2008, 00:45:09 UTC


anamuan July 7 2008, 16:11:36 UTC


pixisticks July 7 2008, 16:12:59 UTC
I-- I want to touch it. And see if it's real.

with my mouth.

(Pretend you did not see that html fail.)


anamuan July 7 2008, 16:14:36 UTC
yes. god yes.
i think it's real, though. And that is what gets me up in the morning.

(in fact, i did not)


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