
Jun 10, 2008 22:53

strange people always accost me at bus stops. :\

Dinner yesterday was amazing. A. maz. ing. stillesprite got a jar of 'sweet and spicy' mango chutney from rocksizedheart sometime last year because it was processed with nuts. And we're like 'what can we do with mango chutney?' well, turns out, you can make a scrumptious chicken thingy. She cooked it on the stove-top, but ( Read more... )

food, tv, 疲れてるけど, hoya saxa, 迷子to iu ka, food=幸せ, food しよう, quotes without context, chinese

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Comments 14

thawrecka June 11 2008, 07:20:54 UTC
Ooh, that sounds yummy!


anamuan June 11 2008, 15:54:49 UTC
it was so good. It was also very very easy!


lalalande June 11 2008, 11:02:04 UTC
@the bus stop thing:
I am seriously thinking about starting a comm about the adventures of the bus/subway/train stop =_=/\o/

....Now I am hungry and craving chicken (as I don't know what the heck mango chutney is ^^)...
"How would it come about (short of total nuclear annihilation) that the human race loses the art of dance? If so, could we still be happy?"
....maybe i should try to explain je lj fandom after all.
Have fun with that! May I ask what class this crap is for?
We used to have to do bs like that ^_^.


anamuan June 11 2008, 16:00:10 UTC
;klaf;jkag weird things happen to me when i travel. i'm beginning to think that it's me.

it's like a mango marmalade kind of thingy? It comes in a jar and says 'chutney' on it. jlk;af;jklaf or maybe not in france. i have no idea what it would be in french.

It's for a class called "Language and Culture" which is ironic because we spent the first 3 session talking about neither (in any sense of the words). I like bs, though. it's v easy for me to do.


lalalande June 11 2008, 20:57:49 UTC
*(I don't know how to keysmash so insert some here)* I should make or find a comm seriously. See I don't drive (never passed my licence I fail so much I win) so I have been taking at least a bus and a subway twice a day since I have been 12 (now you can add intercity bus)....you do the math. One of my favourite encounter still is how an old old old man ex sailor told me I resembled the love of his life that he lost (tragically) a long time ago when he was in Saigon...the aforesaid love of his life was a prostitute, we had the same eyes....I was 16 \o/. But it's a true sad story he showed me a picture of her

Now I am craving chutney mango even more *_____*, I googled it and French calls it....Chutney à la mangue XD! I had it once *drools*

"Language and Culture": Boy do I love classes called like that.
I like bs, though. it's v easy for me to do FRIEND <3<3<3 ( ... )


anamuan June 12 2008, 03:58:23 UTC
i think the typical keymash is done by, well, mashing at the keyboard randomly. i just flail my fingers around on the homekeys. that being said, jkl;;jklafjkl;afjk;lafj;lkf!! that's the craziest story I've ever heard yo. wow. seriously. nothing tops that. wow.

it's a totally tasty dish, and very easy to make. i rec it all the way. or just the chutney over toast :9 mmmm.

FRIEND <3<3<3!!
lol!! yes, there's nothing quite like the fine art of bs.

i don't really have a problem with loitering, since i don't provide any services. please enjoy your stay.


pixisticks June 11 2008, 13:40:45 UTC


anamuan June 11 2008, 16:00:29 UTC
doushite naiteru no?


pixisticks June 11 2008, 17:14:54 UTC
itai! karada ga. ude mo, onaka mo.


anamuan June 11 2008, 17:29:17 UTC
ararara! kawaisou ne, yu-cchan. *pets head* daijoubu no yo, jikan ga tateba.


gingifere June 11 2008, 14:18:03 UTC
i like crazy people at bus stops. bus stops bring out the insanity!! :D


anamuan June 11 2008, 16:05:20 UTC
i've liked about half the ones i've met. but when they go off on angry tirades (or ok, hit on me for half an hour) i just. want them to go away.



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