so much for

Jun 06, 2008 15:00

normal human schedules. :\

being creepy has never been so hip

tego: DANCE, stillesprite DANCE!

John Oliver: i'm drunk, Jon. this is how we all talk when we're jollied.

i would really like a job. not as a retail monkey. something with real actual benefits and a retirement plan. That would be really, really nice.

stillesprite: He has that deadpan humor i don't get ( Read more... )

tv, pimpin', nikki no baka, teh emo, quotes without context, ♥ILU FLIST, sleep, posts of oblique references

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Comments 49

gingifere June 6 2008, 20:16:24 UTC
Oh good god I cannot believe you linked to that Akamepi fic.

THIS FIC WILL BE AMAZING NIKKI. I'm actually excited about it. asaks my life.

something about a very civil fight with british accents.

Apparently we can make everything sound civil...Lol.


anamuan June 6 2008, 20:44:35 UTC
it is my favourite blow job. i wanted to make sure people read it.

;jkaf;lkfa;jkfa dear god. i should type that up and send it to you, so you can make it better.

the civil was in reference to the words used, and how they weren't shouting. They were just very, very politely, very calming having a fight. They british accents was incidental as well, but it. it's got a different tone if it's in british rather than american or australian english. it brings it all together.


gingifere June 6 2008, 20:50:01 UTC
smnsks thank you. I'm glad it pleased you.

I would not be surprised if you did actually. :/

ahhhh. yes. That does not surprise me. I have such a thing for really crisp English accents. Like Helen Mirren.


anamuan June 6 2008, 20:51:26 UTC
of course i would. i thought you knew that i would be bugging you about it forever since you let me start flail!panicking at you.



helzfyah June 7 2008, 00:49:20 UTC
i think i love you. I don't know many people who put links titled 'favorite blowjob ever' in public posts :Dv (and wow... what a blowjob that was *_*)

here, have a ♥ (i'd offer you mine, but it's busy at the moment :P)


anamuan June 7 2008, 00:56:42 UTC
I gladly accept you love, and give you mine in return.
yes, um. well. a good large part of it is the fact that the only rl people who know about this journal are the kinds of friends i'd talk about blowjobs with anyway. I don't have to worry about my professors or parents stumbling upon it, so. and part of it is my lack of shame, and how i'd rather be inappropriate and contrary than back down on the rare occassions when i am embarrassed.
OMG WASN'T IT THOUGH? tell her to write more.

thank you ♥


thawrecka June 7 2008, 00:52:16 UTC
So I discovered I still have the problem, even after this many years in fandom, that when I see 'fists himself' I don't automatically think hand around the penis so much as fisting. Which, uh, ouch.


anamuan June 7 2008, 00:53:46 UTC
what is fisting?


thawrecka June 7 2008, 00:56:39 UTC

How can you not--?



anamuan June 7 2008, 00:58:35 UTC
oh! right.

this is a very informative article. statistics.


pixisticks June 7 2008, 13:52:16 UTC
I think rhey hates me lots ;.;


pixisticks June 7 2008, 14:13:09 UTC
also, fic?


anamuan June 7 2008, 14:47:09 UTC
i'm sorry. as long as i get invited to the wedding, i have trouble feeling really bad about it though.

also, fic?
tte nani?


pixisticks June 7 2008, 15:33:30 UTC

You said you were doing research, but I think I know which fic it is now. :3


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