back with a vengeance

May 12, 2008 13:27

learned from stillesprite that it's diffusion, not osmosis. It explains my failed study plan. I was waiting for the wrong process to happen.

kitsune714: the thing with yamapi is that when he's live, and he messes up a song, he starts compensatory stripping
kitsune714: to distract you ( Read more... )

news, pimpin', nikki no baka, without the doom it's kind of disorienti, commentfic, quotes without context, teh internets > my sanity, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw, commentspam gets its own tag now

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gingifere May 12 2008, 22:55:20 UTC
god i love it when Ueda is completely :| abbout ryo and he gets ridiculously enraged ( ... )


anamuan May 12 2008, 23:10:54 UTC
IN THAT CASE, it worked ♥

well, actually, everything you say is british. but words like 'mum' and 'trainers'


gingifere May 12 2008, 23:16:42 UTC

True! Ahh yes. I have a real love for the word trainers. I don't know why.


4_03_am May 12 2008, 23:04:47 UTC

a;slkd;alskd;la;sd words cannot contain my joy. keymash isn't sufficient either. this is just. so lovely. ♥_♥ i love how it's all tense and then yamapi, the amazing person that he is, makes it shift to a calm and peaceful atmosphere, as temporary as it may be. it's just. i love it. how are you so wonderful. *_* (i liked your kame, if you must know.)

don't hate; elaborate! 8D


gingifere May 12 2008, 23:10:44 UTC
jasak I love this idea of Yamapi sort of softly manipulating them both into situations where they have to interact with one another. I really think he can be incredibly sneaky when he wants to be. (success!! I love Kame and i find him really easy to write so I'm thrilled you liked him :D)

ugggggh. I will remember that after i somehow manage to turn this into an entire mini series :|


4_03_am May 12 2008, 23:21:03 UTC
to be honest, that's my favorite sort of akamepi, as well-- where yamapi acts as the go between. most people don't seem to be into that, though; they like jin in the middle. (i think it's got to do with how he acts around yamapi-- there's just something there that makes me like him then. but at other times, when he's with other people (not counting koki), i'm not very fond of him. i'm glad you write these two pairings, so it means i can read your fic!! :DD)

mini series! i am excited. very much so.


gingifere May 12 2008, 23:27:24 UTC
Well I find Jin really hard to write and i am one of the few people in this fandom who don't love him, so i think my writing tends to be more Yamapi and Kame focused. (i love kame with yamapi. i sort of feel like we only get to see the 'real' kame with yamapi and koki. Like with them he can act like himself and be a dork and crack bad jokes. i love it :D)

akaajs after jthreesome ://


anamuan May 12 2008, 23:31:04 UTC
;jlafd;ljkfalj jthreesome D;


gingifere May 12 2008, 23:33:13 UTC
uggh i know. although i did write some whilst i waited in the car for my sister when she was at her tutors. i now have a grand total of 150 words. Oh yeah!


anamuan May 12 2008, 23:33:52 UTC
150 more words than 0!


4_03_am May 12 2008, 23:34:50 UTC
:o i'm surprised, but i guess that's my own fault for being presumptuous about where akame fans' tastes lie. simultaneously, very glad! because not enough people write them together...right now, i can't think of anyone besides you and ariel. (lskjd;lsd eeeeeee if only. if only that really was the real kame. he'd be some much easier to love. i can forget that kame is strictly against the wasting of paper cups and watermelon jokes only when he's around koki or yamapi-- post 2004 yamapi, i mean.)

;alkdsdd :D!


gingifere May 13 2008, 11:18:46 UTC
kska late reply here as i went to bed, but I think a lot of Akame fans tend to either love Kame or Jin-most of the fans that love Jin also tend to write Pin (although Matchy is definitely the exception!). Lol me and Ariel joke about how we're the only two people who write Akame, Pikame and Kokame! (jajja see I think because I spend so much time obsessively watching Kame in everything he does that I feel like we're really starting to see the real Kame in the last year. Like uggh it's hard to explain without me sounding like I'm trying to force my opinion of 'KAME IS AMAZING, YOU MUST LOVE HIM!!!' onto you, but in my head he's become the child he never got the chance to be. Like idk. I'd rather Kame be with Koki or Yamapi and act like a dork (i.e. act out Titanic with Koki and slap him over the head when he does adorable things like ring the bells for him) than be with Jin and awkward and weird and uncomfortable, which is hilarous considering what a die hard Akame fan I was about three months ago aksja ( ... )


4_03_am May 12 2008, 23:10:08 UTC
also, this feels like your official induction to nikki's lj, where people are always being bugged (most of the time by me *shot*)for ficbits, which more often than not get delivered.


anamuan May 12 2008, 23:11:40 UTC
which means you should do something special to welcome her in.


4_03_am May 12 2008, 23:14:16 UTC
i did. i got her to write the fic. what more could i ask for? that's special as it is. i'm incredibly pleased and do not feel the need to do anything else at this point. please let me bask in the wonderfulness of akamepi that is, for once, not akame-heavy. *_*


gingifere May 12 2008, 23:17:35 UTC
please let me bask in the wonderfulness of akamepi that is, for once, not akame-heavy. *_*

oh the irony!!


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