back with a vengeance

May 12, 2008 13:27

learned from stillesprite that it's diffusion, not osmosis. It explains my failed study plan. I was waiting for the wrong process to happen.

kitsune714: the thing with yamapi is that when he's live, and he messes up a song, he starts compensatory stripping
kitsune714: to distract you ( Read more... )

news, pimpin', nikki no baka, without the doom it's kind of disorienti, commentfic, quotes without context, teh internets > my sanity, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw, commentspam gets its own tag now

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gingifere May 12 2008, 22:55:20 UTC
god i love it when Ueda is completely :| abbout ryo and he gets ridiculously enraged.

This is really schmoopy and dumb and I kind of hate you because now i want an entire series where News and KAT-TUN attempt to shoot a PV :|

Yamapi is the one who suggests dinner. He sees it as a way to alleviate the awkwardness that has sprung up between them again. Kame reluctantly agrees figuring it will be a quick thing in a local restaurant and he can make an excuse to leave early. But Yamapi is busy making plans, telling Kame to come round to his apartment at 6, that Jin will be done with recording for Speedracer for the day by then and it's only then Kame realises that Jin will be there too.

Yamapi's gone before he can make his excuses.


Dinner is excruciating. Jin arrives fifteen minutes late, hair a messy halo around his head, muttering a stream of complaints as he focuses on pushing off his trainers at the door. It’s not until he stomps his way into the living room and sees Yamapi and Kame, two plates of steaming hot curry in front of them and a third empty space at the head of the table that Kame realises that Yamapi has set this up without Jin’s consent.

Kame closes his eyes slightly and is already getting to his feet to leave when he feels Yamapi tug on his wrist. He glances down and swallows slightly as he catches the pleading expression in his face, something strange and familiar in his eyes.

“It’s ok. I mean you can stay. This is your mum’s curry right? Pi’s mum makes the best curry. You should definitely stay,” he hears and he’s surprised to see Jin watching him, really watching him and not looking over his shoulder or a spot near his chin. It’s been a long time since Jin’s met his eyes and for a second Kame feels giddy, let’s himself believe that this is 2004 all over again before Nobuta, before months of cold silences and empty smiles destroyed their friendship and he sits down again.


They crowd onto Yamapi’s tiny sofa after dinner because the only other seat he has is a bean bag with a rip down the side, which Yamapi insists is somehow Yuu’s fault. Kame is tense, awkwardly pushing himself against the side of the sofa as much as possible, but Yamapi has never been especially good with personal space and he just uses the extra room to move closer to Kame.

Jin is peacefully oblivious on the other side of the sofa, impatiently yelling at the lead to hurry up and confess to the main actress so they can get back to the action and doesn’t seem especially bothered when Yamapi huffs and moves so his head is in Jin’s lap, his feet curled up on Kame’s lap. Kame glances down in surprise, but Yamapi just smiles blissfully back at him and closes his eyes.

Jin sighs and shifts so that Yamapi is curled like a pretzel around them both, stoically keeping his attention on the tv as he slides a hand around Kame’s shoulders.

Neither of them see Yamapi smile softly.


anamuan May 12 2008, 22:57:18 UTC


gingifere May 12 2008, 23:00:04 UTC


anamuan May 12 2008, 23:03:00 UTC


gingifere May 12 2008, 23:11:34 UTC
I ALSO LIKE EASY. A BIT LIKE KAME. HE IS ALSO EASY. I feel I will enjoy my time here :D


anamuan May 12 2008, 23:12:57 UTC
D: haven't you been enjoying your time here up till now?


gingifere May 12 2008, 23:13:51 UTC
ajsa what i meant is my time in the future. Every second so far has been wonderful. And I seriously mean that ♥.


anamuan May 12 2008, 23:25:30 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

ah, i feel like i should try to give you something. would you like anything?


gingifere May 12 2008, 23:30:56 UTC
oh you don't have to! But im not fussy. How would you feel about writing some kokame? i would love to see your take on them!

ajsak however i am on my way to bed (its about 12.30 here), so if you do write something i probably won't comment until tomorrow if that's ok!

♥ ♥


anamuan May 12 2008, 23:32:15 UTC
no problem! you aren't required to comment at all <3 sleep well!


gingifere May 12 2008, 23:34:32 UTC
oh i definitely will comment. I am completely sure i'll love whatever you come up with anyway. Thank you! Night :) <3


anamuan May 13 2008, 04:45:26 UTC
klafj;lkfa now i'm nervous because Kame's your favourite and I'm afraid i've butchered him. As well as Koki. :\ THIS TIME WITH ALL THE WORDS.

Kame wasn't always sure what he was doing with Koki, because if anyone had ever asked him 'What kind of person do you like to date?' (like all 4 of this month's interviews), someone like Koki is not what he would have picked. Koki was a little messy, a little unpredictable; he changed his nails every other day and his hair at least once a week. He was never quite late for anything and he never actually forgot any tapings or rehearsals, but he always managed to have this air that he was just about to, kind of last minute and rushed.

Koki would show up at odd hours and drop by unexpectedly. Come round with a couple of cans of beer and a movie, call out for take away, then drag Kame out to a club or bar before the delivery guy showed up. He borrowed things without asking and forgot to return them for a couple weeks, like the time when Kame's favourite earring (at the time) and a couple of dishes went missing for sixteen days. (Kame eventually found the earring in Koki's ear when he came by to return the dishes. On the other hand, he also brought things over and left them there for weeks--Kame was pretty sure he was the proud holder of over half Koki's CD collection and at least a third of his pants.) Koki liked to press Kame into the shadow of doorways walking home from a night out and press himself all along Kame's height and lips to the corner of Kame's mouth.

Koki liked to walk the line, flirting with edgy. He was a little messy, a little unpredictable, yes. But that was all part of the appeal.



gingifere May 13 2008, 11:26:03 UTC

akiassj god this is amazing.

He was never quite late for anything and he never actually forgot any tapings or rehearsals, but he always managed to have this air that he was just about to, kind of last minute and rushed.

yes yes yes. Perfect.

Kame eventually found the earring in Koki's ear when he came by to return the dishes. On the other hand, he also brought things over and left them there for weeks--Kame was pretty sure he was the proud holder of over half Koki's CD collection and at least a third of his pants.)

Nothing please me more than when Kokame have dorky sleepovers and Koki borrows half of Kame's stuff and Kame doesn't mind because it's Koki and Koki leaves all of hiss stuff and omg they are so in love.

Koki liked to press Kame into the shadow of doorways walking home from a night out and press himself all along Kame's height and lips to the corner of Kame's mouth.

jaasjaads. god the image of Kokame having secret meetings in doorways and corners is perfect.

Ok. You should always write Kokame. Because believe me this was a perfect thing to wake up to ♥♥♥


anamuan May 13 2008, 16:43:28 UTC
l;kjafljk;af;ljk yay!! I'm so glad you liked it!! really you have no idea kj;laf;ljk :DDDDDD I'm actually never really sure writing Kame (which is probably why i've got all those never-to-be-finished WIPs), but with Koki and Kame, idk, I see a very easy kind of relationship. So! all of that to say !yay! I'm glad you liked it and thank you for telling me which parts you liked best ♥♥


anamuan May 12 2008, 23:02:33 UTC
l;kjaflkjfal;kj af ok this is the weirdest thing ever but the last bit, liek the last two paragraphs make me think of Yamapi as like, well, a cat, and Jin and Kame are the couple sitting on the couch, with the cat being sly and letting them think it was all their idea.

Jin arrives fifteen minutes late, hair a messy halo around his head

Yamapi has never been especially good with personal space

i love the way you write.

also, completely random, but i love playing 'pick the british turn of phrase' with things. yours are always win for that game, for obvious reasons.


gingifere May 12 2008, 23:07:40 UTC
no thats kind of what i was going for. sometime when he like sprawls across people it reminds me of a cat. i just like it when yamapi is in control.


ajsjjas I never really notice how British my writing is until someone points it out!


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