hello, nikki, meet really fucking cold.

Feb 28, 2008 21:57

Really fucking cold, Nikki. You won't get along.

i wish i were going home. But I will go crash with the girls for a few days and have a study party. Krisztina says I can sleep in her bed.

I forgot to say: this kid in P&P had rob absolutely amazed with his spectrogram reading skills, when he asked (about the mystery spectrogram), "Is it that pizza ( Read more... )

someone just shoot me kthxbai, to do, eikaiwa, i am so fucked it's not even funny, please let me live through this week, teh internets = my sanity, tv, food, with the doom!, class, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, lx or bastardizations thereof, why aren't you kidding?, weather, sleep, homework, socializing ftw, commentspam gets its own tag now, school

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Comments 152

ginzarhapsody February 29 2008, 04:19:40 UTC
Bara no Nai Hanaya. IT'S OUTSTANDING. Not done yet, but when it is, it's totally worth pimping out. *thinks* SP is quite good. Going back a few years, Tiger and Dragon. And then a few more with Long Love Letter. When was she last in Japan watching dramas? I can give you more accurate/apt recommendations based on that maybe.

edit: did you get my message on gmail?


mycroftnext February 29 2008, 04:23:07 UTC
How is it that you're an even crazier creepy!stalker than me? You managed to both comment and edit while I was typing up my comment. Oy vey. ;-)


anamuan February 29 2008, 04:45:43 UTC
your comments are longer kara.


mycroftnext February 29 2008, 05:00:35 UTC
But but!
That's true.

Should I go for shorter to make it easier on you?


mycroftnext February 29 2008, 04:22:04 UTC
Well hi there! I was wondering where you were out this evening. Because I'm creepy and stalkerish and watch this page constantly to see what you're doing.

You will go crash with...? Tegola?

Rob is so adorably fail!!!! Why must he be gay and taken? (Not that being gay and not taken would work much better, but still...two deal-breakers! It's just not fair!)

Come up with any good "senior gifts" for the GOCard office yet? Preferably ones that won't get you arrested.

1953 version of the Language Aptitude Test, which I've kind of always secretly wanted to take.
Egak! Me too! *lurves on your dorkitude*

Poor Tego-chan. You're a terrible influence on that poor child despite the fact that she practically begs for that kind of influence.

Dude! Mock slx interview me!!!! I would love to! You could even interview me for real if that's allowed in that class.

Holy sociability!! Way to actually get out of the house and see people. *is molto impressed*


anamuan February 29 2008, 05:10:48 UTC
Then why don't you reply more often? I wait for them, you know.

Yes. Sorry. Apparently, forgot to complete both that sentence and the rest of that thought. It is fixed now.

but maybe because he's both gay and taken there is one more not-gay, not-taken boy out there to keep the balance of the world equal. One that, hopefully, will fall into my lap.

i am not a senior. and no, all of them would eventually involve me getting arrested. since most of them involve fire

It...well, i can see why they've seen the need for changes. I certainly hope no one uses this as their primary test anymore. It's so...outdated and ethnocentric. I mean dude, there was stuff i haven't used since SAT vocab on there, and you're going to give it to me misspelled, and tell me to pick the word that is closest in meaning? wtf yo, wtf.

Dinner is good for her.

How would you propose I record that conversation? also, no one else would understand a word of it. We'd get off into our own little world. you know we would...i should have stayed home, working. kono mama ( ... )


mycroftnext February 29 2008, 05:27:31 UTC
I...I...and here I thought I was doing so much better at commenting. DDD:

Completed thoughts are usually overrated. Certainly they're never my main concern.

I don't think the universe works quite that way, but I suppose we can keep hoping. And that would be a great story to tell everyone about how you met: "Well, I was just sitting there, and this boy fell out of the sky and dropped on my lap! I thought my legs had broken!"

I know you're not a senior. That's why no one would suspect you! *is brilliant...for realz* Maybe arson disguised as accidental?

They misspelled words???? Then maybe I don't want to take it. That would bother me to the extreme ( ... )


anamuan February 29 2008, 05:34:30 UTC
You are doing better, that's true. Baby steps.


*dies* *dead* *nope, still dead*
this reminds me of the very serious conversation i had with florian and meagan in Japan about how awful (and messy) it would be if it really did rain men.

i've thought about it. unfortunately, i am not that clever

they weren't really misspelled. They were English words spelled 'in an approximation of the pronunciation' it was totally the hardest section. Even harder than the kurdish.

i know. i rock at this.
oo!! indian!

... we'll see. it is technically supposed to be someone i don't know well/at all. I was thinking of maybe making jamie's boyfriend do it.

lol. i like your censors. much better than the great firewall of china. lkj;afljaf i shouldn't be doing it, please don't remind me.


pixisticks February 29 2008, 04:47:55 UTC

What sort of dramas does she want? :o


anamuan February 29 2008, 04:53:21 UTC
you are so lame.

saaa. yoku wakarani. i gave her kurosagi, gokusen, anego, nobuta wo produce.... i think that's it.


pixisticks February 29 2008, 04:56:09 UTC
I know, right.

You should make her watch Sora kara furu ichioku hoshi. I cried my eyes out on that one. Also, First Kiss. And Majou no Jouken. <3


anamuan February 29 2008, 05:12:31 UTC
!! i will suggest those then. I haven't seen any of them though I think i've got Majou no Jouken floating around


4_03_am February 29 2008, 05:22:07 UTC
It's frickin cold and the wind is crazy, too. My window is banging really loudly, like it's about to come off its hinges or something. :|

D: i am such an internet stalker. I'm the kind of person that makes me glad i took my xanga off my facebook profile.

I think I might be this sort of person, too. :\

For dramas, I say Long Love Letter, Akihabara @ Deep, and umm...memory failure.

OMG, selfhate. How could I forget to mention UTAHIME. I LOVE UTAHIME. ;_;


anamuan February 29 2008, 05:29:51 UTC
T_______________T why is it so cold, kyuu ni. If it could just pick a season and stick with it already.

On the other hand, knowing that i do this, makes me aware of the fact that other people might as well. Otherwise, you never know who'd be stumbling into this journal from my rl.

Thank you for the recs! memory failure is one of my personal favourites.
but i still like you, even if you selfhate.


4_03_am February 29 2008, 05:35:17 UTC
Do you remember reading The Giver? I want controlled weather like that. Gimme 55 degrees every day and I'm good.

Yeah, do you remember that one scene in Memory Failure where that girl is like passing by that construction site and then she trips over a drilling machine someone left abandoned in the middle of the sidewalk and she slips into unconsciousness? And then when she gets up, she's got amnesia? The falling bit was really--how do I put it--really jarring, like, when her head collides with the concrete.


anamuan February 29 2008, 05:36:41 UTC
55 is too cold for me. if i got to pick, at least. I'd be like, 75 i am not taking your stupid fucking memories.

ROTFL. no, really. *rolls*


thawrecka February 29 2008, 05:46:49 UTC
I used to be more of an internet stalker and track comments a lot and such but now I'm too lazy to stalk. I just don't have the energy to be creepy.


anamuan February 29 2008, 05:53:12 UTC
I just don't have the energy to be creepy.
that's a pity.

I don't bother with the tracking comments because what would people say, anyway, so that i would care that long?, but i will journal hop, and try to find peoples' blogs, and then read random bits until i convince myself that i should either be working or sleeping. Then i read some more, until finally the guilt gets to me.


thawrecka February 29 2008, 06:01:13 UTC
Usually when one tracks comments one finds that most posts remain active for only a day or two, anyway. I don't see why that's guiltworthy. Bloghopping is pretty normal. Without google blogsearch and lj friendsfriends I wouldn't spend so much time being a loser on the internet.


anamuan February 29 2008, 06:05:59 UTC
the guilt is from not doing my homework or sleeping, not from bloghopping.

when is it, do you find, that posts do not stop being active after only a day or two?


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