Really fucking cold, Nikki. You won't get along.
i wish i were going home. But I will go crash with the girls for a few days and have a study party. Krisztina says I can sleep in her bed.
I forgot to say: this kid in P&P had rob absolutely amazed with his spectrogram reading skills, when he asked (about the mystery spectrogram), "Is it that pizza
Read more... )
Yes. Sorry. Apparently, forgot to complete both that sentence and the rest of that thought. It is fixed now.
but maybe because he's both gay and taken there is one more not-gay, not-taken boy out there to keep the balance of the world equal. One that, hopefully, will fall into my lap.
i am not a senior. and no, all of them would eventually involve me getting arrested. since most of them involve fire
It...well, i can see why they've seen the need for changes. I certainly hope no one uses this as their primary test anymore. It's so...outdated and ethnocentric. I mean dude, there was stuff i haven't used since SAT vocab on there, and you're going to give it to me misspelled, and tell me to pick the word that is closest in meaning? wtf yo, wtf.
Dinner is good for her.
How would you propose I record that conversation? also, no one else would understand a word of it. We'd get off into our own little world. you know we would
...i should have stayed home, working. kono mama spring 'break' janai yo.
Completed thoughts are usually overrated. Certainly they're never my main concern.
I don't think the universe works quite that way, but I suppose we can keep hoping. And that would be a great story to tell everyone about how you met: "Well, I was just sitting there, and this boy fell out of the sky and dropped on my lap! I thought my legs had broken!"
I know you're not a senior. That's why no one would suspect you! *is brilliant...for realz* Maybe arson disguised as accidental?
They misspelled words???? Then maybe I don't want to take it. That would bother me to the extreme.
That's true. And she probably wouldn't have eaten anything other than coffee and maybe a piece of bread if you hadn't taken her out. Way to justify that one. :D
I went out to dinner tonight! We had Indian food, and it was absolutely delicious, though I think I like the lunch buffet better because then I don't have to choose only one thing.
Download gmail talk; there's a vocal chat function on it. We could talk through that, I'll make sure my speakers are on, and then I'll record on my DVR, and I'll send the mp3 file to you? No, I haven't thought waaaaay too much about this
But at least you don't have classes tomorrow. I was actually referring to the sociability of the weekend. I was kind of surprised that you had packed it so full with friends since you do have a [word deleted by censors] to write and all.
*dies* *dead* *nope, still dead*
this reminds me of the very serious conversation i had with florian and meagan in Japan about how awful (and messy) it would be if it really did rain men.
i've thought about it. unfortunately, i am not that clever
they weren't really misspelled. They were English words spelled 'in an approximation of the pronunciation' it was totally the hardest section. Even harder than the kurdish.
i know. i rock at this.
oo!! indian!
... we'll see. it is technically supposed to be someone i don't know well/at all. I was thinking of maybe making jamie's boyfriend do it.
lol. i like your censors. much better than the great firewall of china. lkj;afljaf i shouldn't be doing it, please don't remind me.
Did I tell you about the other day when I was doing mom's hair and she started to fall asleep in the middle of her sentence? It was the funniest nonsense I've ever heard! (If I haven't told you, I will; I just didn't want to waste your time if I had)
*continues to make baby steps towards comment!spam*
DESHOU?? Wouldn't that be absolutely disgusting? And even the good ones would be covered in bumps and bruises and cuts and belch.
...this is shorter, right?
no, you haven't told me! you should!
keep trying honey. i won't let you fall.
I said it all depended on from how far up they started raining. Also, i daresay my collapsible umbrella is not up to handling a man falling on it.
DDDDD: OMG voyeuristic!umbrella. where is procreational when i need her. ;_;
this is shorter.
now, where's the rest of my comment. shorter =/= you say less. Just that you say less in one comment, and then leave me another with the rest of the stuff. So that i have less lag time in replying. i know, i'm demanding.
So I was brushing her hair with my fingers (which is possibly her favorite thing ever to have done to her) and she was just relaxing, enjoying the moment. This was right after I was babysitting, so I was telling her how it went. I mentioned that I really feel bad for the people who are stuck in the next hotel room with a child screaming at 10:30 PM. Her response?
"Well, they're probably used to it what with the chemistry class mixing and exploding things so often."
Me: [silence] hee hee heeheehahahahaHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Mom: Wait, what did I just say?
It was amazing.
I assumed that they would start raining at normal cloud height. That would be...squishy. I would be less worried about my collapsible umbrella and more concerned about me standing up. I can barely stay straight when Moose flops on me, much less if someone like him were to drop on me.
...I really have no idea what you're talking about here. *calls for procreational*
You really are just horrendously demanding, especially since that would mean multiple threads and stuff. It's a good thing I love you so much, you know?
well, assuming they rain from normal rain altitude, i would want a very strong umbrella. because if one falls on me, I would die. He would die, but that's a given already. But i would also die, and i don't want to just yet, and certainly not by being squished by male percipitation.
i suppose you think there are enough multiple threads on this already :|
"Male precipitation" is perhaps the best phrase I've heard all night. How can we work that into everyday conversation?
Of course I do, but that won't stop me. :D
i feel like it's a phrase that is hard to find the right context for.
It is, but we're up to the challenge, aren't we?
♥ back
English words in an approximation of the pronunciation? That hurts me to even think about. I would totally have more fun with the Kurdish section.
Btw, I don't think I can conceive of the language lab as anything other than ghetto (pronounced [g-schwa-h-epsilon-t(aspirated)-o:].
It was delicious Indian. I'm kind of surprised at the quality considering the Indian population here is smaller than the Native American population here.
Oh. Poobah. I'm not sure there's any way that we could pretend we're strangers.
It's kind of like Voldemort, only eviler. "That which must not be named."
the only one i remember is not a good example, but. 'roil' for 'royal' and then the answer was 'kingly' but it's totally not a good example, because roil is a real word. :\ that totally threw me for a while. that section was definitely the hardest. i liked the 'learn the made-up numbers' section best. BUT! but. he had the coolest voice. the guy who did the instructions on the tape? the coolest voice, and the coolest accent.
is the native american population small?
ahahaha. it would be the weirdest conversation ever, i have to say, trying.
i'm very proud of you, btw.
[exxxx] That's so unfortunate about the 'pronunciation being other English words' thing. And that's so dependent on what dialect of English you speak. I was reading The Language Instinct, and he says that he Mass. born and bred teacher once demonstrated homophones with the words 'Korea' and 'career.' Can you imagine some poor foreigner, or even native speaker for that matter, trying to do a test like that? [exxxxxxxxxxxx]
Very. Most of them died with the whole manifest destiny movement. And those left live on reservations, most of which are not in CO.
I can just see it. "You know that time you told me about...I mean, I have this friend who told me about her mom who plays video games a lot..."
Thank you darling. (What for?)
EXACTLY! we discussed it afterward, and. well. we were not impressed. (we being me, rocksizedheart and tego).
XDDDDD 'korea' and 'career'? maji de? maji de? surely you jest.
i didn't realize. when i think of native americans, i think of them being driven out of a good part of the east coast, the trail of tears and all that, and being forced to settle in inhospitable places 'out west.' From your descriptions of winter in CO, that falls into my definition of inhospitable, so.
XDDDDDD and then i would forget the word i want and would have to use an inside joke to explain so you could tell me what it was.
for valiantly writing more, shorter comments.
You all have impeccable taste to be unimpressed.
MAJI!! I jesteth not. I just about fell over laughing at that.
You have got to get out more. I have seen inhospitable, and this is not it, yo. Today was a gorgeous day, and not just for Nanook!me. They got some nicer places in Arizona. And some not as nice places in the Dakotas. We
have a decent population that can do a lot of outreach in the schools and stuff, but nothing like a reservation or anything.
HAHAHAHA! Yeah. We would mess with a lot of people's conceptions of how strangers speak to each other. Oh dear heavens, can you image trying to analyze that in the context of "not!friends"? Eww.
Aww, you're sweet. I do my best my work.
We are very impeccable, what can I say?
I just about fell over laughing too. XD you amuse me so.
...also, colorado is dry. I just. I just think we wouldn't get along. Though you do have a point. There are many more inhosptiable places.
All the things about social distance, and positive/negative face, and politeness would all be out the window.
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