DOOM! (/_;)/)

Sep 17, 2007 23:20

So today i made okonomiyaki despite (ok, honestly speaking, probably because of) my amazingly large amount of homework and took pictures of the process for those of you who expressed interest. Keep in mind that it is merely the way i botch through it. I will probably post it tomorrow (again, for honesty's sake) in order to keep from doing tomorrow' ( Read more... )

疲れてるけど, with the doom!, 迷子to iu ka, my deep and abiding love for 顔文字, food 3, triumph!, homework 2, sleep, chinese

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Comments 2

kitsune714 September 18 2007, 03:39:53 UTC
anamuan September 18 2007, 04:08:41 UTC
you are also completely conscious for the whole thing.
it...was an experience. I am not sorry I did it, but I don't think I'd want to have to do it again (as opposed to doing it over). But it will totally effect your night vision! So be warned! Like, there are lots of good things about it that i'm sure everyone will play up, but there are also down-sides.

Also, peripheral vision is kind of cool. Not quite as cool as i thought it would be, but then I effectively hadn't had any since i was 6, so nostalgia must have colored some of it.


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