DOOM! (/_;)/)

Sep 17, 2007 23:20

So today i made okonomiyaki despite (ok, honestly speaking, probably because of) my amazingly large amount of homework and took pictures of the process for those of you who expressed interest. Keep in mind that it is merely the way i botch through it. I will probably post it tomorrow (again, for honesty's sake) in order to keep from doing tomorrow's amazingly large amount of homework.

I slept very badly with unpleasant dreams and woke up a lot. I was very tired today. I'm surprised I lasted this long.
I wonder how much of it is because i'm always so hungry by the end of class...

But i found the eye-doctor with relatively little mishap. It was kind of beautiful. I only asked 2 people for directions, and one of them was just to confirm the fact that i was indeed standing in front of the right building. The other was inside the building, trying to find the right set of offices.
I also found a tasty looking bakery whose name I don't remember but I could find again (because it was kind of right by the station) and I might just go back sometime this week because i can.

And the eye-doctor told me that most of my 'halo' will most likely go away within the next three months, as my eyes slowly stop being traumatized from the lasers. Which is hella exciting. He also explained why my vision seems worse in metro stations and other dim areas, so that was cool.
Incidentally, his son (who is in highschool) is taking Chinese, but would rather play baseball than go to China.

疲れてるけど, with the doom!, 迷子to iu ka, my deep and abiding love for 顔文字, food 3, triumph!, homework 2, sleep, chinese

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