
Feb 04, 2009 23:09

Some Merlin curtainfic. "Mending," Morgana & Gwen, by penknife. It's not particularly profound, but there's a nice wistfulness to it. And a good reminder to modern readers just how valuable hand-made goods are (I so often get upset at how lightly fic writers treat horses in RH fandom)(er, besides the characterization it provides):

She wonders if he ( Read more... )

recs, real life, merlin

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Comments 9

rodlox February 5 2009, 07:59:54 UTC
>how lightly fic writers treat horses in RH fandom)
have the characters ever gone hungry, either? I highly doubt it.

thanks for the rec. *reads it*

have fun and be well.


an_lagat_glas February 5 2009, 17:33:51 UTC
Haha, probably not. Living in a forest would probably not have been very fun irl.

you too!


ps rodlox February 5 2009, 08:00:21 UTC
chicken stock is a perfectly good place to start.


lalumena February 5 2009, 10:59:01 UTC
jazzfic does lovely horses. Which is a weird thing to pimp someone out for, but it's true! ;) It looks like a good fic, thanks for the rec.

And yay- fanmix! Can't wait to see what pieces you chose. I was listening to one I made today. Kind of narcissistic, but enjoyable!

What made you make chicken stock? Do you know what you're going to use it in yet?


an_lagat_glas February 5 2009, 17:36:23 UTC
She does! I love her fic!

I have been listening to your 'Blinding Romance' mix all this week. I love it : D

I . . . don't really remember. I find myself using chicken stock a lot though, so if I can start using the homemade stuff more, where I know what's in it, it will probably be a good thing. I do want to start making more soups in general. They are tasty and make quick meals to reheat!


lalumena February 5 2009, 19:10:31 UTC
I think the difficulty in writing medieval fic for Robin Hood is how realistic to make it? I know people appreciate and enjoy the detail (I know I do) but when you're less knowledgeable trying to write non-anachronistic fic can become very challenging. I suppose that's the advantage in writing fluff as opposed to more plott-y pieces.

Aw, choice. :)

Yeah, soup is such a quick and easy meal. And not too difficult to make, either. It's also nice to know what's gone in it?


an_lagat_glas February 5 2009, 19:26:59 UTC
You can really get away with a lot because of canon, but there are a few things that just throw me out of a story (paper, glass, cotton). And really, if it were perfectly medieval it wouldn't be Robin Hood ; )

Yes, very much.


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an_lagat_glas February 5 2009, 17:42:42 UTC
Just to clarify, I wasn't talking about anyone on my flist : ) I'm referring to those people who basically write car chases on horseback, and then horrible things happen to the horses but the story just moves on. One of my professors mentioned that a war horse would have been worth the same as a small village, so I doubt people would let their horses get injured doing stupid and risky things. I actually don't know a lot about horses either, but I grew up in horse country so I tend to be aware of what's going on with the horses : )

Hahaha, ouch. Basically you cook chicken on the bone in a big pot with water, vegetables, and whatever seasonings you want (I used herbs, sherry, and some olive oil) for a couple of hours.


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an_lagat_glas February 5 2009, 18:28:04 UTC
Certainly not! You always pay so much attention to detail, I love it : )

Haha, she lost the horse?

I think medieval fic is really, really hard because there are so many basic assumptions that have changed between then and now, things so fundamental that you don't even notice them unless you're looking for them (like our culture of mass production and disposable goods vs. medieval culture where every garment you make is hand-spun and woven). And some things just wouldn't go over well with a modern audience. I'm toying with a scene in FW; whether to go the realistic but deeply misogynist route, which would be offensive to modern readers, or something a little more sympathetic. It's a weird decison to have to make.

I imagine if I wanted to make (real) chicken boullion I would just boil all the water out of the stock. Who knows what goes on in factories, though D :


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