book log!

Jun 14, 2011 11:34

I've only read two books since my last booklog but I'm going to go ahead and do another since ASOIAF is very much on the brain right now.

A Clash of Kings - George R. R. Martin
First, reactions:





+ Well, this book was interesting. Dany's story was a little boring, actually, but I'm excited to see where it's going to go. Because, you know, dragons.

+ I really really hope Catelyn learns soon that Bran & Rickon aren't dead. I hope that Arya gets to Riverrun and they at least have a tiny reunion before the next inevitable wave of insanity.

+ Sansa, my poor dear. Her story was lovely and harsh and heartbreaking and I'm so excited to see who she will become. I find her interaction with Cersei fascinating. I love that Sansa is being pushed to see a different view of the world (though I hope she retains some of her hope and faith in the world) and I love seeing Cersei interact with another woman. I also loved seeing Cersei and Tyrion's interactions.

+ Speaking of, things aren't going to go well with Shae, are they? And my god, that poor man.

+ Arya's story was also boring in parts, though it's interesting to watch her develop as well. I hope she gets Needle and Nymeria back, or at least Nymeria.

+ OMG JON. Really curious about this thread and I hope hope hope everything works out for him.

+ is it just me or is GRRM a big fan of outsider-type figures? Tyrion, Dany, Jon, even to some extent Ned, Sansa in book two . . .

+ BRAN. YES. And poor Rickon, I just want to hug him.

+ I occasionally had trouble following all the strategies and intrigues dealing with minor characters. It's hard to tell which I'll need to know for later and which I won't. I know there's a wiki but I've already been way too spoiled : /

+ GRRM does have issues with repetitiveness at times. He always talks about Tyrion waddling and is constantly talking about how ugly and weird he looks. And also rape. Which, I know the world is harsh, especially in pre-modern war, but still. Sometimes it's a lot to take.

+ verdict: awesome. I think I'll take a short break and then hopefully pick up the next one! Trying to strike a balance between finding out what happens and not burning myself out : D

The Marriage Bureau for Rich People - Farahad Zama
I picked this up to be a light summer read and it was exactly that. It's about a Muslim retiree in Visag, India who sets up a marriage bureau to keep himself busy during his retirement. It's a cute story where everyone ends up happy, or close to it; where the poor girl gets the rich guy and hardships are overcome. It's not saccharine, though; real issues are discussed, though with a light hand. Zama touches on class and caste issues, government/business and poor farmers, the status of women and India's tensions between old and new. Few of these are really dug into, but in a light romance novel I have to applaud at least a nod to real-world issues. Mostly I liked this for the glimpse of Indian culture. And delicious-sounding descriptions of food : D

Also, I would immediately buy this if I had children. Ha.

books, a song of ice and fire, book log

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