love like a sunset - songs for robin & isabella

Nov 27, 2010 10:26

Because of time constraints, I've decided not to do any of the RH-community secret santas, but, time permitting, I am going to try and finish up a few small projects I've had sitting around for awhile. (Fortune's Wheel does not count as small). The first of these is a Robin/Isabella fanmix I started working on in August/September.

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fanmixes, music, robin/isabella

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Comments 8

endcredits November 27 2010, 22:24:37 UTC
Spookily, I listened to both the Cars and the Peej song yesterday. What are the odds?

Great choices, and I love your explanation; I really love reading the reasons people make the song choices they do. Oh, Izzy, I do miss you. I feel a rewatch is in order.


an_lagat_glas November 29 2010, 05:47:33 UTC

yeah, it has been far too long since I've watched any RH. I'm feeling withdrawal!

That icon goes a long way, though ; )


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an_lagat_glas November 29 2010, 05:46:34 UTC
: (

really? Not even The Cars? Love, love, love that PJ Harvey album (Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea), probably because it's not her usual fare. And Feist.

and yup, that's the German song!

and I think I was feeling philosophical when I wrote those notes, whoa.


thymelady November 28 2010, 15:04:51 UTC

The album also reflects some of the more positive aspects of Robin & Isabella's relationship

They deserve that, because there were positive aspects.


an_lagat_glas November 29 2010, 05:43:16 UTC
There were! In the right place and time, I think it could have been really, really good. As you know ; )


ladykate63 December 2 2010, 06:20:51 UTC
Gorgeous icon, btw. :)


mythopathy December 1 2010, 23:03:31 UTC
I love it. It's floozy and occasionally feels too lighthearted to withstand time and then you get glimpses of something deeper. Excellent job.


an_lagat_glas December 2 2010, 05:08:11 UTC
thank you : ) glad you're enjoying it!


ladykate63 December 2 2010, 06:11:19 UTC
Oooh, lovely! Now I want me a Robin/Izzy icon...


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