To-do list is down by 2!

Apr 12, 2011 19:36

Well, still lots more to do, but yay! :

1) I finished my taxes and they are safely e-filed.  I caved and paid turbotax for my state returns, but eh.  Looking at all the forms I'd have to fill out for the lived-in-two-states-thing, it was worth it.  It's not like I'll have to do it again next year *crosses fingers*

2) Knit stuffy for co-worker's- ( Read more... )

now with pictures, fandom, drawing, art, knitting

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Comments 15

mysecretashes April 13 2011, 00:10:37 UTC
That is freaking adorable. OMG. ♥__♥


amythystluna April 13 2011, 00:43:44 UTC
Heee :D He turned out sooooo cute :3 I'm so making one for myself whenever I get a chance <3

yeah, the non-yarn-art-thing is totally yours bb >.> I haven't had a chance to get to more shading, but maybe tonight or tomorrow *nods* I wanna finish that one so I can poke you for more to read to decide on the next *g*


mysecretashes April 13 2011, 01:02:02 UTC
You will be poking fruitlessly, I'm afraid. I started my glomp fic over 5 times before finally settling on something, and wrote it over the course of the past 6 days (posted today). 14k of glomp fic in 6 days and not a single word on big bang. ;__; BUT BUT. Being done with glomp fic means I can start focusing on paperlegends now. So maybe soon? :D?



amythystluna April 13 2011, 01:30:14 UTC
Yay for glomp fic being done, though! I know those false starts are annoying :( I currently have a ball of yarn sitting here, mocking me, as I've frogged the third thing I tried knitting it into. *sigh* Heh, I don't feel so bad about not shading more, then :D

P.S. ME TOO \o/


titacats April 13 2011, 03:25:06 UTC


amythystluna April 13 2011, 14:46:27 UTC
Thank you bb :D


ma_chelle April 13 2011, 05:26:02 UTC
The elephant is DARLING! <33 And I will definitely have to check out this HP fic you've mentioned-I don't think I've read it, though I read so much of it, it's hard to keep track, lol

Sorry the pollen is still bothering you! I've been plagued with a horrible toothache this past month. Finally had to borrow money from my folks so I could get a root canal, which happened last Thursday. Was fine until Friday night, when horrible pain started. Sat he spend 2 hours finishing, and I've REALLY been in pain since then! He didn't even want to do the permanent filling tonight because it's still so sensitive, he said to wait until Thursday. I can't take prescription pain meds--allergies & bad reactions, so I'm stuck with ibuprofen & tylenol. Seems like it's getting a little better tonight, but I have a feeling I will wake up in a lot of pain again in the morning. :\

And I still can't find a place to move.........

MISS YOU!! *squishes*


amythystluna April 13 2011, 14:58:27 UTC
*tacklehugslikeWHOA* Missed you too!!!!!!!

Isn't he CUTE? I wasn't sure looking at the pattern and the example pictures, but mine turned out adorable :-P

If you like Severus-adopts-Harry and Draco's-his-brother fics, it's fabulous. Wonderful gen. Long as all get out, but fabulous for like, all of it. You know I read fast, and I've been working on it for about a week O.o Slight warning though, there is some torture (Voldemort and Lucius are absolutely evil *shudders*) and there's some self-harm that's just popped up at the end, if those are triggers for you.

Eeeep! I'm sorry about your tooth bb. One of my co-workers had one not long ago, and it threw her for a loop, so I hope your pain stops and you're able to get the filling done Thursday :-/

*sending happy house hunting thoughts your way* *squish*


ma_chelle April 13 2011, 15:34:38 UTC
Turns out, I've read that fic. Which is a bummer cause I would dearly LOVE a good long chapter fic that would take me a week to read! I don't seem to have any triggers for fic and torture often leads to hurt/comfort which is probably my biggest kink ( ... )


nenne April 13 2011, 06:22:03 UTC
It's gorgeous! You co-worker will be thrilled!


amythystluna April 13 2011, 14:58:54 UTC
Thank you! I hope so--I'll find out tomorrow! :D


sashaminx April 13 2011, 13:09:02 UTC
Oh, yeah... an elephant is *definitely* better than an eggplant xD

He's soooo cute!!


amythystluna April 13 2011, 14:59:29 UTC
LOL :D He turned out so much better than I thought he would back when I just had the head, LOL :)


sashaminx April 13 2011, 15:45:11 UTC
He's brilliant. And 100% washable, which is totally fab for a bubs cot!!


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