To-do list is down by 2!

Apr 12, 2011 19:36

Well, still lots more to do, but yay! :

1) I finished my taxes and they are safely e-filed.  I caved and paid turbotax for my state returns, but eh.  Looking at all the forms I'd have to fill out for the lived-in-two-states-thing, it was worth it.  It's not like I'll have to do it again next year *crosses fingers*

2) Knit stuffy for co-worker's-baby-version-2.0 is done and was left on her desk yesterday.  Dunno co-worker's reaction, but the rest of the office loved it :D

Next up on the stuffy front is a horse for boss-lady's daughter,  and two dodecahedron balls, one for my pseudo-nephew, and one for boss-lady's son.  I'm actually almost out of the polyfill I bought *ages* ago, so I have to go get some more.

I also have a shawl to make for my mom and I haven't forgotten about your mitts, Michelle!!  So many projects, so little time.

Not to mention some non-yarn-related art things, and a beta job, and.... yeah.   O.o  I don't think I ever responded to any of the sweet comments left on my HS Merlin entry, either.  That would be here, by the way, if you're at all interested in seeing my little comic-type-thing that's almost cavity-inducing in it's sweet and fluffy levels, LOL.

Plus I've been reading the absolutely epic A Year Like None Other by AspenintheSunlight  It was written riiiight in that time where I wasn't reading any HP fic, but it's fabulous.  So yeah, part of why I've been quiet lately, and why the elephant wasn't ready to give to co-worker on Saturday, LOL.  There's a completed sequel, and a 3rd in the works.  *bounces in glee*

In other news, I really wish the pollen would go away.  I can't breathe *pouts*

now with pictures, fandom, drawing, art, knitting

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