Happy Teachers' Day!

Sep 01, 2008 15:17

part 2.

haahaha. as promised, i will do an update. all the way from probably natl day eve, haha.
e pics probably took me like close to an hour to upload. esp with my super slow computer. thank u very much.

alright let's start.

and the update begins~ )

birthday, shinee, national day, updates, teachers' day dinner, happy teachers' day

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Comments 8

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amyrella September 2 2008, 07:26:54 UTC
teaching is fun lah!

happy 101st!


oneeyedoctopus September 1 2008, 09:36:08 UTC
your kids are so cute XD

and your friend was so nice to make you that calendar! so pretty! ^^


amyrella September 2 2008, 07:27:16 UTC
i noe! haha. awesome right e calendar!


charzzy September 1 2008, 14:06:45 UTC
OMG that calendar is hot stuff!
You sooo got the teacher face XD


amyrella September 2 2008, 07:32:40 UTC
I KNOW! cool rite?

and i dun have a teacher face lah lol.
i look like shit in sch. 80% of e time w/o makeup. haha.


crappy_love September 2 2008, 06:35:10 UTC
happy 101st~ hahaha.
happy belated teachers' day!
the kids are so cute. yay i'm older than them o.o
memories, memories~

omg that calendar is some hot stuff.
i also want ok? hong is awesome.


amyrella September 2 2008, 07:33:17 UTC
siao. u were like some of them just last yr. HAHA.

u cannot. dat one is mine! mine only.


savvingomax February 16 2013, 19:46:07 UTC
Log in and let the naughty fun begin! Go Here dld.bz/chwZJ


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