Happy Teachers' Day!

Sep 01, 2008 15:17

part 2.

haahaha. as promised, i will do an update. all the way from probably natl day eve, haha.
e pics probably took me like close to an hour to upload. esp with my super slow computer. thank u very much.

alright let's start.

8 Aug 08.
such a nice date dun u think?

so as teacher, now that i am, national day is not longer a whatever day. cos its something u would have to celebrate yearly.
so everyone has to turn up in red on that day. haha. cliche. but true.

i didnt brg my camera along to e hall cos i didnt want to be an extra. but apparently, i wont. LOL. but i just took pics with my phone. heh~

e shorty with his face covered by the flag is my monitor. cute rite?
not dat u can see his face. haha.

imran and bahrul. haha. <33

oh yes! now u can see my shory's face. along with e girls.

i think i duno e name of the girl in the center. and im seripus. LOL.
or maybe i do.

18 aug 08
not that my bdae is an interesting day. no celebration with anyone.
i even bought my own bdae cake. although my parents paid for it in the end.

no presents. no nothing.
i even had to scream and shout on my bdae. so demoralizing.

but my dear su is as always, the love of my life.
k dat sounds wrong. but who cares.

she came by my house a few days after to pass me her present.
a self-made one ok. sweet right?

this is the cover of her self-made calendar.
9 sexy heenims on the cover.

it was a calendar from august to the next july.
the august didnt have a pic. but hong was on sept's!

and the whole of sj (minus kyu) add key and yuri, for oct.

sj-t for nov.

i think e center didnt have any pics.
feb has shinee!

and heenim for march. <3

and possibly my fav month in the calendar...
april with key! and a key charm as well. <3333

she didnt forget my ft.
she doesnt listen to them. but the fact that she bothered to find their pics is awesome.

shinee for june!

and finally, hong for july.
k nvm the spelling. its the thought that counts.
and i just realised like NOW that she possibly got that pic from my blog.

and to end it off,

is my pretty husband. heh~

22 aug 08
teachers' day dinner at riverwalk tandoori @ golden landmark hotel.

the appetizers. no pics of the buffet. cos i was too hungry and forgot bout it.

the 4 gd frens. minus me and niza (in yellow tudong)

all tables had to perform 1 song, as chosen by someone from the table.
mine had to do e doncha (sp?) song by pussycat dolls.
this table did some old song. lol.

camwhoring in the toilet.

and at home while waiting for my colleague to get ready.
i wore a gypsy skirt the same shade of pink as my ring.

29 aug 08
teachers' day celebration. but it was alot more like childrens' day.
e kids were having more fun than the teachers. blahblahblah.

this time, i was smarter, but nt as smart. cos i brought my cam along.
i didnt brg e cam along when i was on stage. hmph!

shit i look horrible. LOL.
with anny and the kids.
anny's their form teacher. i just teach the kids health ed.
and like 11 of them, maths.

retarded kid. lol.

same grp of girls as the last time.
as usual, they ASK me to take their pics. nt i want take. LOL.

half of 3-1 maybe. the rest was probably running ard or doing something else.

and again~

and again.

the cameraman duno why choose that angle. lol.
with my p5s.

cally sang a wang lee hom. i think the title's saying gdbye.

these girls sang some avril lavigne's song.
all e song titles were... weird and wrong.

my gifts. nt alot lah.
at least i have some right? haha.
my next teachers' day would be in 3 years. cos i have to go through nie for 2 years.

and i think i told ppl liao. but this p6 girl gave ALL the teachers a fresh rose each.
even if we dont teach her.

so here's mine after putting in a glass.

and then it became:

and then....

it has blossomed even more tdy. but im too lazy to take a pic and upload.

k im finally done. it probably took me like 2 hours to upload, and type.



ps. ft's and shinee's new album pwns! i love my 10 boys!

birthday, shinee, national day, updates, teachers' day dinner, happy teachers' day

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