
sleepy music kaizoku party

May 06, 2024 23:13

It seems i recovered from my depressive episode, got sick, recovered from being sick, and then got burnt out ( Read more... )

tv, my boring life, music

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Comments 13

Off topic newwaytowrite May 6 2024, 16:45:45 UTC

Have you visited the Beitou Public Library ?


RE: Off topic amw May 7 2024, 01:16:06 UTC

Nope, but i just saw a picture of it. Pretty!


RE: Off topic newwaytowrite May 8 2024, 00:34:58 UTC
It might even be nice to go and sit outside and enjoy the setting.


fauxklore May 6 2024, 18:12:21 UTC
I really liked that Solo Moderna piece.


amw May 7 2024, 01:19:34 UTC

I recommend looking through a bit more of his catalog, some of it is more traditional Latin music, although often with a bit of a twist. Some of the other artists on his current label are interesting too:


fauxklore May 7 2024, 16:29:48 UTC
I did listen to a little more and marked it for when I have some time. Thanks.


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seaivy May 7 2024, 17:49:58 UTC
Straw Hat Pirate!
sounds like a great idea
got to get out my hats
see which one suits the role

Go Dance Have Fun!


geminiwench May 8 2024, 00:09:28 UTC
Loving that TomTomTom track.... yum!

Bandcamp and Soundcloud are keeping lots of amazing no-name truly indie music in the world that is for people who don't mind **looking** for new music and exploring a scene, rather than getting fed whatever the major labels are pushing forward with legal playola.
I'm like a super-local music nerd.. and so much really great songwork is archived at those two amazing websites.. AND they're commercial free?! There are still good places on the internet and bandcamp and soundcloud are among them.

Also: Senior Coconut forever.

I felt the same way about Black Sails.
But I LOVED "Viking"... the first season is AMAZING.
The fast-cuts of the 90s Xmen cartoon sounds about perfect.
I highly recommend "Lower Decks" yet again.


amw May 26 2024, 06:00:53 UTC
I remember watching Vikings and finding it reasonably entertaining. I think because it was talking about a piece of history in the British Isles that i didn't know much about! I did give up after a season or two, though ( ... )


geminiwench May 28 2024, 16:11:11 UTC

I think with so many of those Period Violence Dramas... they focus on soldiers/war/fighting because... because OUR society is obsessed with unnecessary and extravagant violence, (hopefully) not because everyone actually believes all old societies were unnecessarily/extravagantly violent.

I thought Vikings had pretty rich daily-life storytelling which I enjoyed and really did a decent job of establishing how gender roles were not that strict and sexual mores were different and... **it was not a problem**... which is always nice to see since it's so damned rare in U.S. entertainment.

Even our history textbooks are like that... battle to battle, war to war, "hero" to "hero".... with anything about women/children/family life/homelife in their own little section (if at all), and politics/economics even pushed to the side most of the time,... but I think it's more our modern obsession with violence-as-power that keeps our storytelling seeming so damned shallow and monotonous to the Rest of Us.

P.S. Lower Decks Forever!


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