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Comments 9

seaivy April 5 2024, 02:50:09 UTC
i'm so glad to see you!!!
when the news came on i thought of you
and i was worried

May you have more "adventures"


egg_shell April 5 2024, 10:51:53 UTC
Ha! So funny. I always liked studio wrestling. Play fighting is always better than real fighting!


livejournal April 5 2024, 11:34:56 UTC
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seaivy April 5 2024, 13:00:21 UTC
reading you again this morning
i am with you


opakele April 5 2024, 16:15:12 UTC
I thought of you too.

It looked like Taipei held it's own well.

I am so impressed with the Taiwanese people. I know the death count will rise, but the work they have done to keep people safe during earthquake and tsunami is evident.

Regarding clothing woez. As a chubby, semi-elderly woman, I have huge challenges finding decent clothes. I do not want anything nipping my waist in or accenting...anything. I am also particular about the material and prefer natural fibers. Could you find a tailor, design and have some natural fiber items made? It may be more expensive, but you know what you are getting and the proportions will be correct.

You may be scowling at me right now. :)

Stay safe!


amw April 6 2024, 06:18:41 UTC
Taipei did alright, although probably more because the epicenter was on the east coast. My house still shook and rattled something wicked, and the wall behind my desk at work was cracked when i got in. But life goes on. I do think the building codes are very good here, though. Although there are a few toppled buildings and blocked roads, it's not all that much if you think about how strong it was. I guess living here the engineers need to do solid work because earthquakes and typhoons both arrive at regular intervals ( ... )


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