
A to Z meme

Oct 10, 2023 00:33

Taking a break from travel topics, here is a meme snaffled from scream_queen.

A is for Argument: Who is the last person you argued with and what was it about?Colleagues. A big part of the job as a software engineer is critically reviewing the work of your peers. In some companies you can spend hours a day arguing for your proposed changes or against someone ( Read more... )


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livejournal October 9 2023, 19:29:50 UTC
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geminiwench October 10 2023, 14:19:33 UTC
For news you might like Democracy Now:
But they are a radio/TV broadcast although they have transcripts and articles as well.

It's the only news source I know where they are talking to activists every day, alongside the journalists, academics, and politicians. As if activists and investigative journalists.... were doing important work every day... and showing what work is actually being done (riots, protests, organizing, democratic process, truth-seeking), rather than just already-rich/powerful/influential talking heads talking about how they think everything should be.
It's also nice to hear people who are staunchly anti-violence.... rather than equivocating about how violence is a good method of punishment/reprisal/defense/policing/etc when [insert person/organization/political party/country] does it.


amw October 28 2023, 11:41:56 UTC
I don't remember the last time i watched TV news! I don't much listen to radio either. A couple years ago i went through a phase of watching/listening to podcasts, but then i realized they were taking up too much of my time compared to how little value i was getting out of them, especially the opinion style ones which tend to rehash the same opinions over and over each week ( ... )


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