
the friday five for apr 28, 2023

Apr 28, 2023 23:51

I feel like i've answered a bunch of these questions before, but i like them, so why not do it again? Other answers at thefridayfive...

1. Would you ever go "under the knife" (or laser, or dental pick) for cosmetic purposes? What and why, and would it really be worth it?Already done it. I got a tracheal shave for trans reasons (not sure if it made any ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

king_of_apathy April 29 2023, 10:39:29 UTC
One month is not remotely enough time for a round the world trip! In my idle moments I dream up what route around the world I’d take if I had the time again for a full years adventuring, so this post got me wondering what I’d pack into a month ( ... )


amw May 1 2023, 15:19:01 UTC
That's an action-packed journey! Good idea putting it all in the same timezone, though. If you're going to get the most out of the month, it's no good spending a bunch of time jet-lagged.


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