
cold, thanksgiving and a hobo

Oct 13, 2020 17:46

The other day after complaining about the cold, i went out and sat in the cold again, because i'm a masochist like that ( Read more... )

canada fuck yeah, clothes, freedom

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Comments 24

meowmensteen October 14 2020, 01:06:00 UTC
Winter, here it comes.

Funny, it's been super windy here too. That's some big wind. It's probably trying to clean out any notions that summer might stick around a little longer.


interes2012 October 14 2020, 08:39:48 UTC
I have sunny, warm and no snow.
but this is not a reason to be proud


nahele_101 October 14 2020, 03:38:48 UTC
I think you'd write an excellent book I'd enjoy reading.


carriea31 October 14 2020, 04:42:36 UTC

The meal looks good and it was kind of them to include you. That's neat.
So the man you met. How does he survive the cold temperatures when he is sleeping? I mean, it's one thing to be uncomfortable, but isn't he actually in danger of freezing to death in his sleep? I know there are homeless people who survive so I know this may seem like a dumb question, but it's a legitimate one that I don't know the answer to.


amw October 14 2020, 04:53:56 UTC
I guess if it's incredibly cold and you are in town you can go to a homeless shelter. But if you're sitting on the back of a steel freight car going 50mph over the Rockies, you better have good gear! He was wearing a lot of layers when i bumped into him, and had a large pack. I didn't ask what he was carrying in there, but my guess is 0F sleeping bag, goretex bivy, some kind of sleeping pad and perhaps a gas stove to heat water. I think the train hopping hobos spend a bit more on their gear than the sorts of bums that just hang out in town or even hitch-hikers, they're a bit more like outdoorsmen.


interes2012 October 14 2020, 08:41:30 UTC
in the first photo - a cunning made of cunning, with a sly grin


olamina October 14 2020, 04:53:46 UTC

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm excited for it but sad it likely won't be with friends.


amw October 20 2020, 18:37:56 UTC
I think Thanksgiving was the first domino to fall on my mental health collapsing. Having to deal with people and these sorts of enforced social events is really exhausting and stressful for me.

Are there expat things over there? Most places i lived will do some kind of Thanksgiving do at the expat watering holes, although i'm not sure if it feels the same.


strein October 14 2020, 08:04:51 UTC
Oh man, this brings back childhood fantasies of being a drifter. This type of freedom, despite the difficulties, is tempting. I've often thought of a minimalist lifestyle like van life.

♫ "Now we are ready to sail for the Horn..." ♫


amw October 20 2020, 18:45:24 UTC
I think van life is a great compromise for people who have already housed up and own a vehicle. If you have a house then you probably also have the space and the tools to noodle around over a few months building out your vehicle for sleeping, and if you travel in a vehicle then you can bring a lot more comforts of home than when you are on foot. I think the main thing that makes it difficult for folks to make the leap (even just for a few months) is having children or other dependents, which is probably why most drifters are either fairly young or fairly old.

That said, i do know some people who packed their kids into a sailing boat and lived aboard for a while... You gotta be willing to homeschool, though.


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